David Bell

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David Bell
Born Unknown
Residence Australia
Nationality American
Institutions Unknown
Alma mater Unknown

David Ingalls Bell is a Life enthusiast who was born and educated in the United States but now lives in Australia. He has discovered and helped construct some of the most interesting known patterns, with a heavy focus on spaceships. He contributes to the forums under the username dbell.

In 2004, he and Jason Summers helped Gabriel Nivasch build caterpillar; the first 17c/45 spaceship to be constructed. He also found 25P3H1V0.2, one of the smallest-known c/3 orthogonal spaceships, and spider, the smallest-known c/5 orthogonal spaceship. He has also found several patterns that are the first examples of spaceships with their particular speed and period: c/2 orthogonal period 22, c/2 orthogonal period 26, c/3 orthogonal period 12, c/4 orthogonal period 20, 2c/5 orthogonal period 10, c/5 orthogonal period 30 (with Noam Elkies), c/3 orthogonal period 36, c/3 orthogonal period 24, c/3 orthogonal period 15, c/2 orthogonal period 6, and c/3 orthogonal period 9.

He was the first person to explicitly construct a unit Life cell: the p5760 unit Life cell. Other notable constructions include the infinite glider hotel and moving sawtooth.

He also has explored some other Life-like cellular automata in some depth, most notably HighLife.


External links

Patterns found by David Bell