Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) completed!

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 21st, 2014, 3:57 pm

chris_c wrote:Ok, I made a version of my script that searches for elbow-preserving 90 degree glider recipes. It is set up do 3 glider pairs of full search and then 3 glider pairs of clean up. I only had the patience to get about 1% of the way through the sixth (and final) iteration. By that time it had output 78 recipes (the last 8 being 6 glider pairs long).
I'm trying the same search to completion to see how many recipes show up. The 78 recipes, strangely enough, seem to be all new (!?) -- I checked the list fairly carefully against the known elbow ops from DOpSearch published above. Quite a few of the lanes are known, but all the (lane, elbow move) combinations seem to be new, and so of course the actual recipes are different. The search is about a fifth of the way through 6gp now, and has found a total of 195 recipes (!). Can't wait to see what happens at MAX_DIFF=80 (or higher, if I can figure out how to leave a little more space without breaking anything.)

Part of the lack of overlap makes sense. DOpSearch was really intended to do something else -- its original search space was sets of three gliders at a time -- and the rule was that an elbow had to return to the exact same diagonal. So if DOpSearch ran into a mirror-image elbow block, it would just keep searching... and for previous 10hd projects I was only interested in recipes that were all glider pairs, no singletons.

Still, DOpSearch does support singleton gliders, so it seems to me that it should have found some of these 78 recipes. Conversely, I'm not quite sure why your search program isn't finding any of the dozens of 4- and 5-cycle recipes that DOpSearch did come up with. I'll do a little more investigating when I get a chance. EDIT: The MAX_DIFF setting could certainly account for some of the missing recipes -- DOpSearch was much more liberal about relative timings -- and maybe the MAX_POP limits could explain a few more differences.

But why isn't the new search finding m-8hdg12:e19 o15 o25 o-32 o-6, for example? I was never ambitious enough to run the old DOpSearch code to find six-glider-pair recipes, since it was already taking too long to finish 5gp -- but how come DOpSearch never told me about NEm-18hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-15 e-9999 or NEm-2hdg-35:e9999 e21 e3 e39 e-8 ? All very mysterious...

By the way, is it fairly straightforward to re-activate the unused *WSS code to do this same trick to find elbow-preserving *WSS recipes? So far I've just run the unmodified search code -- haven't really tried to locate the disabled *WSS part yet.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 21st, 2014, 6:35 pm

dvgrn wrote:Conversely, I'm not quite sure why your search program isn't finding any of the dozens of 4- and 5-cycle recipes that DOpSearch did come up with. I'll do a little more investigating when I get a chance.
I'm not familiar with DOpSearch at all, nor have I had a good look at the old 4/5 glider pair operations. Differences could be:

1. Number of generations collisions are allowed to run for. I chose 160 because otherwise lots of stabilised Herschel junk turns up (the very common ship + 2 blocks formation) and it seemed to me that this would be very difficult to clean up into anything useful.

2. Maximum time between glider pairs. My search uses +/-40. Maybe this is overly conservative.

3. Maximum population of intermediate targets. My search insists that the targets get smaller and smaller as time goes on. There is an array at the top of the code.
dvgrn wrote:By the way, is it fairly straightforward to re-activate the unused *WSS code to do this same trick to find elbow-preserving *WSS recipes? So far I've just run the unmodified search code -- haven't really tried to locate the disabled *WSS part yet.
The search for *WSS is only actually a search for westbound and southbound LWSS in the code I posted. The question of how to define a lane for an LWSS was not one that I had solved at the time I found all those LWSS recipes (not all *WSS on the same line are equivalent) and it took a fair bit of manual sorting to remove duplicates.

I have since thought of a good way of classifying LWSSes. A westward LWSS that appears with its dot spark in the north east will be defined to be on lane 2 * y + (x+y)%2 where (x, y) is the coordinate of the topmost of the leftmost cells in the LWSS (chosen because that cell survives in each of the next 3 generations).

Here is a severely under-tested version that implements this idea. I ran it with FULL_DEPTH = 3, but this was pointless because both LWSS recipes with 3 glider pairs never produce anything useful after the 4th glider pair. Therefore this code has FULL_DEPTH = 4 and all of the glider detecting code commented out (otherwise the search for glider recipe cleanups would dominate the later part of the search). I am not able to test with FULL_DEPTH = 4 until the morning because I am only working on my slow laptop at the moment.

Code: Select all

import golly as g

LANE1 = -5
LANE2 = 5
MAX_POP = [40, 40, 40, 35, 30, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25]

# GENS roughly represents the number of generations to run after the
# midpoint of the glider pair reaches the left edge of the
# pattern. Needs to be multiple of 4.
GENS = 160

depths = {}
new_pats = []

f = open('/home/user/life/outfile_lwss.txt', 'w')

def to_pairs(cells):
    return zip(cells[::2], cells[1::2])

G_NE = g.parse('3o$2bo$bo!')
G_NW = g.parse('3o$o$bo!')
G_SW = g.transform(g.parse('bo$o$3o!'), 0, -2)
G_SE = g.transform(g.parse('bo$2bo$3o!'), -2, -2)

LWSS_W = g.transform(g.parse('bo2bo$o$o3bo$4o!'), 0, -1)
LWSS_S = g.transform(g.parse('bobo$o$o$o2bo$3o!'), -2, -4)

GLIDERS_SW = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_SW, i)) for i in range(4)]
GLIDERS_SE = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_SE, i)) for i in range(4)]
GLIDERS_NW = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_NW, i)) for i in range(4)]
LWSSES_W = [to_pairs(g.evolve(LWSS_W, i)) for i in range(4)]
LWSSES_S = [to_pairs(g.evolve(LWSS_S, i)) for i in range(4)]

assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_SW))
assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_SE))
assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_NW))
assert(all((0,0) in lwss for lwss in LWSSES_W))
assert(all((0,0) in lwss for lwss in LWSSES_S))

G1 = g.transform(G_NE, LANE1 - 25, 25)
G2 = g.transform(G_NE, LANE2 - 30 - MAX_DIFF / 4, 30 + MAX_DIFF / 4)

T1 = (25 - LANE1) * 4
T2 = (30 + MAX_DIFF / 4 - LANE2) * 4

EATERS = [(g.parse('3bo$3bo$bobo$b2o!'), g.parse('3o$3o$obo$o2bo$4o!')),
          (g.parse('2b3o$bo$b2o!'), g.parse('2o$ob3o$o2b2o$5o!')),
          (g.parse('2$2b2o$2bo!'), g.parse('4o$4o$2o$2obo$4o$4o!')),
          (g.parse('3bo$2b2o!'), g.parse('3ob2o$2o2b2o$6o$6o!'))]

translate = [(-1,-2), (-2,0), (-2, -2), (-3, 0)]

EATERS = [(to_pairs(g.transform(on, x, y)),
           to_pairs(g.transform(off, x, y)))
          for (x, y), (on, off) in zip(translate, EATERS)]
assert(all((0, 0) in on for on, _ in EATERS))

def canonical(cells):
    if not cells:
        return ()

    cells = sorted(to_pairs(cells))

    return tuple(cells)

# diagonal canonicalisation not used
#    x0 = cells[0][0]
#    return tuple((x-x0, y+x0) for x,y in cells)

# false positives quite possible
def is_block_pair(cells):
    canon = canonical(cells)
    if len(canon) == 8 and ((0,1) in canon and (1,0) in canon or (0,2) in canon and (1,1) in canon):
        return True
    return False
#        lanes = [x+y for x, y in canon]
#        return min(lanes) >= 0 and max(lanes) <= 3

def has_eater(cells, check=0):
    pairs = to_pairs(cells)
    for x, y in pairs:
        for eater, not_eater in EATERS:
            if all((x+i, y+j) in pairs for (i, j) in eater):
                if not any((x+i, y+j) in pairs for (i, j) in not_eater):
                    return check or has_eater(g.evolve(cells, 1), 1)

def is_elbow(cells):
    # insist on 4 on cells
    if len(cells) != 8:
        return False
    # rule out tubs
    if max(cells[::2]) - min(cells[::2]) != 1:
        return False

    # insist on correct lane
    return 0 <= min(x+y for x, y in to_pairs(cells)) <= 1

def test(cells, lane):
    cells2 = g.evolve(cells, 4)
    if len(cells) != len(cells2):
        return 0, [], None

    sumx1, sumy1 = sum(cells[::2]), sum(cells[1::2])
    sumx2, sumy2 = sum(cells2[::2]), sum(cells2[1::2])

    delta = (sumx2 - sumx1, sumy2 - sumy1)

    for _ in range(4):
        cells2 = g.evolve(cells2, 4)
        sumx1, sumy1 = sumx2, sumy2
        sumx2, sumy2 = sum(cells2[::2]), sum(cells2[1::2])
        new_delta = (sumx2 - sumx1, sumy2 - sumy1)
        if new_delta != delta:
            return 0, [], None

# a,b,c,d,e are used to convert x, y values into a lane number and output type

    if delta == (0, 0):
        spaceships = []
#    elif delta == (-5, 5):
#        spaceships = GLIDERS_SW
#        a, b, c, d, e = 1, 1, -1, 0, 0
#    elif delta == (5, 5):
#        spaceships = GLIDERS_SE
#        a, b, c, d, e = 1, -1, -2, 0, 1
#    elif delta == (-5, -5):
#        spaceships = GLIDERS_NW
#        a, b, c, d, e = 1, -1, -1, 0, 2
    elif delta == (-18, 0) or delta == (-24, 0):
        spaceships = LWSSES_W
        a, b, c, d, e = 0, 2, 0, 1, 3
    elif delta == (0, 18) or delta == (0, 24):
        spaceships = LWSSES_S
        a, b, c, d, e = 2, 0, 0, 1, 4
        return 0, [], None

    pairs = to_pairs(cells)
    new_lane = None
    if spaceships and lane is None:
        found = False
        for x0, y0 in pairs:
            for ss in spaceships:
                if all((x0+i, y0+j) in pairs for (i, j) in ss):
                    for i, j in ss:
                        pairs.remove((x0+i, y0+j))
                    found = True
                    new_lane = a * x0 + b * y0 + c + d * (x0+y0)%2, e
            if found:

        if not found:
            return 0, [], None

        cells = []
        for x, y in pairs:

    sort = sorted(pairs)
    for p in range(2):
        cells = g.evolve(cells, 1)
        if sorted(to_pairs(cells)) == sort:
            return p + 1, cells, new_lane
    return 0, [], None

offset = 0

def show_it(recipe, lane, move=None):

    global offset

    res = ""
    if lane[1] == 1:
        res = "NE"
    elif lane[1] == 2:
        res = "SW"
    elif lane[1] == 3:
        res = "LWSS_W"
    elif lane[1] == 4:
        res = "LWSS_S"

    if move is None:
        res += "k"
        res += "m%dhd" % move

    res += "g%d:" % lane[0]

    g.putcells(g.parse('2o$2o!'), offset, 0)

    for i, t in enumerate(recipe[::2]):
        if t is not None:
            g.putcells(g.evolve(G1, t), offset-80*i, 80*i)

    for i, t in enumerate(recipe[1::2]):
        if t is not None:
            g.putcells(g.evolve(G2, t), offset-80*i, 80*i)

    for i in range(0, len(recipe), 2):
        if recipe[i] is None:
            res += "eo"[recipe[i+1]%2] + "-9999 "
        elif recipe[i+1] is None:
            res += "eo"[recipe[i]%2] + "9999 "
            res += "eo"[recipe[i]%2] + str(recipe[i]-recipe[i+1]+MAX_DIFF) + " "
    f.write(res + "\n")

    offset += 100

def store(cells, lane, recipe, period, depth, next_pats):

    old_depth = -1

    canon = canonical(cells)
    if (canon, lane) in depths:
        old_depth = depths[(canon, lane)]
    elif period == 2:
        canon1 = canonical(g.evolve(cells, 1))
        if (canon1, lane) in depths:
            old_depth = depths[(canon1, lane)]

    if old_depth < depth:
        depths[(canon, lane)] = depth
        if depth > 0:
            next_pats.append((canon, lane, recipe, period, depth))
        return True
        return False

def get_patterns(cells, period):

    if not cells:

    minx = min(cells[::2])
    g1 = g.transform(G1, minx, -minx)
    g2 = g.transform(G2, minx, -minx)

    # Singletons
    for t in range(period):
        yield cells + g.evolve(g1, t), t, None, GENS + T1
        yield cells + g.evolve(g2, t), None, t, GENS + T2

    # Pairs
    g2_orig = g2
    for t1 in range(period):
        for t2 in range(2 * MAX_DIFF + 1):
            yield cells + g1 + g2, t1, t2, GENS + (T1 + T2 - t2) // 8 * 4
            g2 = g.evolve(g2, 1)
        g1 = g.evolve(g1, 1)
        g2 = g2_orig'')
store(g.parse('2o$2o!'), None, (), 1, FULL_DEPTH, new_pats)
start = True

got = set()
half_got = set()
moves = set()
iteration = 0

while new_pats:
    iteration += 1
    next_pats = []
    n = 0
    for canon, lane, recipe, period, depth in new_pats:  , n, len(new_pats), len(half_got), len(got), len(moves))))
        n += 1

#        if lane in got:
#            continue

        cells = []
        for x, y in canon:

        # only fire stuff at an elbow at the very beginning
        if not start and is_elbow(cells):
        start = False

        for start_cells, t1, t2, gens in get_patterns(cells, period):
            end_cells = g.evolve(start_cells, gens)

            if len(end_cells) > 2 * (MAX_POP[iteration-1] + 12):

            new_period, end_cells, new_lane = test(end_cells, lane)
            if new_period == 0:

            if len(end_cells) > 2 * MAX_POP[iteration-1]:
            new_depth = depth - 1
            new_recipe = recipe + (t1, t2)

            if new_lane is not None:
                new_depth += CLEANUP_DEPTH
                new_lane = lane

            if store(end_cells, new_lane, new_recipe, new_period, new_depth, next_pats):
                if new_lane is not None and not end_cells:
                    show_it(new_recipe, new_lane)
                if new_lane is not None and is_elbow(end_cells):
                    move = min(end_cells[::2]) - min(end_cells[1::2])
                    show_it(new_recipe, new_lane, move)
                    moves.add(new_lane + (move,))

#                    if has_eater(end_cells):
#                    if is_block_pair(end_cells):
#                        show_it(new_recipe, new_lane)
    new_pats = next_pats


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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 22nd, 2014, 7:09 am

chris_c wrote:...
2. Maximum time between glider pairs. My search uses +/-40. Maybe this is overly conservative.
DOpSearch results routinely include a glider pair in the 50-100 offset range, which does indeed explain the lack of overlaps between old and new recipes. Even 100-150 offsets were not uncommon, and one of the first recipes includes an "e272". That might actually have been too extreme for the first semi-Snark-based Demonoid we were working on in this thread (there was a one-sided limit, but now I forget if it was near -256 or +256).

Anyway, the new Demonoid doesn't have any offset limits at all, so I think the range can safely be moved up a bit from +/-40...! I can see that the magic number "25" is what's keeping me from going higher than +/-80, which would leave just a 5-cell safe zone. But it doesn't look as if that will be impossible to change "25" and "30" to "25+N" and "30+N" here and there, to widen out the range. I suppose going all the way to (say) +/-280 would slow down the search by a factor of seven or more, though, probably without picking up all that many more good recipes.

I ran the +/-40 search to completion overnight, ending up with 509 elbow ops up to 6 cycles (!). Unfortunately the output text file was partly corrupted for some reason, so until I finish re-running that search, all I have is the RLE:
509 glider-making elbow ops up to 6 cycles
(13.82 KiB) Downloaded 540 times
Meanwhile I'm trying a 5-cycle search with a width of +/-80, which is on the last cycle now with 90,000 patterns left to look through. Seems as if 5 cycles will be done in a reasonable amount of time at this width, but 6 cycles might take a week or three.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 22nd, 2014, 10:07 am

dvgn wrote: I can see that the magic number "25" is what's keeping me from going higher than +/-80, which would leave just a 5-cell safe zone. But it doesn't look as if that will be impossible to change "25" and "30" to "25+N" and "30+N" here and there, to widen out the range. I suppose going all the way to (say) +/-280 would slow down the search by a factor of seven or more, though, probably without picking up all that many more good recipes.
Yup that's the sticking point. I can think of much nicer ways to re-write all that ugliness but if it seems to be working then it's probably not worth it.
dvgrn wrote:I ran the +/-40 search to completion overnight, ending up with 509 elbow ops up to 6 cycles (!). Unfortunately the output text file was partly corrupted for some reason, so until I finish re-running that search, all I have is the RLE
How annoying! I have a script that converts RLE back into text format:

Code: Select all

import golly as g

G_NE = g.transform(g.parse('3o$2bo$bo!'), -2, 0)
OUTFILE = "/home/user/life/glider_list.txt"

MAX_DIFF = 100

f = open(OUTFILE, "w")

def to_pairs(cells):
    return zip(cells[::2], cells[1::2])

assert(all((0,0) in to_pairs(g.evolve(G_NE, t)) for t in range(4)))

def get_gliders(cells):
    res = []
    pairs = to_pairs(cells)
    set_pairs = set(pairs)
    for t in range(4):
        search = to_pairs(g.evolve(G_NE, t))
        for x, y in pairs:
            if all((x+i, y+j) in set_pairs for i, j in search):
                res.append((x+y, 2*y-2*x-t))
    return sorted(res)

def process(glider_list):
    paired_lanes = set()
    lanes = [l for l, _ in glider_list]

    for l in lanes:
        if l + 10 in lanes:
            paired_lanes.add((l, l+10))

    for left, right in sorted(paired_lanes):
        lt = [t for l, t in glider_list if l == left]
        rt = [t for l, t in glider_list if l == right]

        phase = "eoe"[lt[0] % 2:]

        result = ""
        i = j = 0
        while i < len(lt) and j < len(rt):
            if abs(lt[i]-rt[j]) <= MAX_DIFF:
                result += phase[lt[i]%2] + str(rt[j]-lt[i]) + " "
                i += 1
                j += 1
            elif lt[i] < rt[j]:
                result += phase[lt[i]%2] + "9999 "
                i += 1
                result += phase[rt[j]%2] + "-9999 "
                j += 1

        while i < len(lt):
                result += phase[lt[i]%2] + "9999 "
                i += 1

        while j < len(rt):
            result += phase[rt[j]%2] + "-9999 "
            j += 1

        f.write(result + "\n")


It does recover the 509 recipes but all of the output lane and move distances remain lost:

Code: Select all

e29 o-14 o-15 e-9999 
e26 e32 e30 e12 
e19 e32 e9 e-1 
e15 e10 e39 e37 
e9999 e21 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e9999 e21 e3 o-9999 o-12 
e9999 e21 e3 e39 e-8 
e36 e32 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e36 e32 e3 o-9999 o-12 
e36 e32 e3 e39 e-8 
e35 e-9999 o29 e1 e31 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-4 e25 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-7 e15 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-7 e12 
e35 e-9999 o11 o3 e1 
e35 e-39 e-9999 e0 e-17 
e35 o-8 o-17 e5 e-25 
e35 o-8 o-17 e1 e-25 
e33 o-9999 e22 e-40 e40 
e33 e31 o8 e12 e31 
e32 e5 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e32 e5 e3 o-9999 o-12 
e32 e5 e3 e39 e-8 
e32 e-19 e0 e5 e-18 
e29 o-14 e-2 e40 e-25 
e29 o-14 e-18 e-28 e-9999 
e29 o-14 e-18 e-28 e40 
e29 o-14 o-15 e39 o-9999 
e29 o-14 o-15 e39 e-13 
e29 o-14 o-39 e5 e-25 
e29 o-14 o-39 e1 e-25 
e26 e36 e-24 e32 e-8 
e26 e36 e-24 e27 e40 
e26 e32 e30 e40 o10 
e26 e-12 o-7 e22 e-3 
e19 e32 e-9999 e31 e-9999 
e19 e32 e-9999 e26 o-9999 
e19 e32 e-9999 e14 e20 
e19 e32 o9999 o-9999 o7 
e19 e32 o-9999 e-9999 o14 
e19 e32 e10 e-9999 e5 
e19 e32 e9 e3 e40 
e19 e32 o41 e-34 o-11 
e19 e32 o33 e12 e-4 
e19 e32 o33 e9 e8 
e19 e32 o26 e5 e-25 
e19 e32 o26 e1 e-25 
e19 e32 o22 e9999 e7 
e19 e12 e3 e9999 o14 
e19 e12 e3 e9999 o12 
e19 e12 e3 e39 o10 
e19 o33 e-29 e5 e-25 
e19 o33 e-29 e1 e-25 
e19 o33 e-33 e-10 e22 
e19 o33 e-38 o41 o14 
e19 o26 o-9 o9 e1 
e15 e9999 e5 e22 e-15 
e15 e9999 e-1 e31 e-8 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-2 e2 
e15 e10 e-8 e31 e-8 
e15 e10 e-8 e-2 e2 
e15 e-9 e9999 e10 e-22 
e15 e-22 e-24 e2 e-4 
e11 e31 e13 e-33 e20 
e11 e6 e24 e-1 e-40 
e5 e-11 e15 e-19 e-24 
e1 e32 e-7 e-29 e-19 
e1 e31 o8 e13 e-8 
e-9 e22 e-37 e13 o13 
e-9 e22 e-37 e1 e8 
e9999 e40 e23 e-8 e7 e18 
e9999 e40 e23 e-35 e20 o-1 
e9999 e26 e9 e9999 e-15 o-26 
e9999 e26 e9 e40 e5 e-7 
e9999 e26 e9 e40 e-1 e15 
e9999 e26 e9 e40 e-1 e-1 
e9999 e26 e9 e-35 e5 o30 
e9999 e26 e9 o39 e9999 e6 
e9999 e21 e-9999 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e9999 e21 e3 o-9999 e-26 e40 
e9999 e21 e2 e8 e-25 e8 
e9999 e21 e2 e8 e-25 o2 
e9999 e21 e2 e8 e-25 o-4 
e9999 e21 e2 e8 o-1 e36 
e9999 e21 e2 e-2 e-39 e-1 
e9999 e21 e2 e-2 o21 e-4 
e9999 e21 e2 e-6 e-9999 e-15 
e9999 e21 e2 o9 e9999 e14 
e9999 e21 e2 o5 e7 e-9999 
e9999 e21 e2 o5 e7 e12 
e9999 e21 e-3 e16 e-29 o-15 
e9999 e21 e-3 o8 e35 e9999 
e9999 e21 e-3 o8 e2 e-20 
e9999 e21 e-3 o8 e2 e-21 
e9999 e21 e-3 o8 e-32 e9999 
e9999 e21 e-3 o1 e23 e8 
e9999 e21 e-5 e36 e9 e40 
e9999 e17 e0 e-9999 e40 e40 
e9999 e12 e-1 e-5 e34 e39 
e9999 e12 e-1 e-10 e37 o6 
e9999 e12 e-1 e-10 e22 e-34 
e9999 e12 e-1 e-15 e7 e40 
e9999 e12 e-1 e-33 e-25 e28 
e9999 e1 e34 e-4 e35 e-20 
e9999 e1 e34 e-4 e35 e-24 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e39 e33 e-9999 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e39 o16 e-2 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e37 e-9 e-4 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e37 e-9 e-19 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e37 e-15 o-5 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e31 o33 e1 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e31 o33 e-15 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e31 o25 e-18 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e31 o18 e9999 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e30 e27 e-27 
e9999 e-2 e-1 e15 e17 e39 
e39 e-3 e39 e34 e-8 o19 
e39 e-15 e4 e-9999 e-16 e24 
e38 o40 o24 e9999 e5 e-25 
e38 o40 o24 e9999 e1 e-25 
e36 e32 e3 o-9999 e-26 e40 
e36 e32 e2 e8 e-25 e8 
e36 e32 e2 e8 e-25 o2 
e36 e32 e2 e8 e-25 o-4 
e36 e32 e2 e-6 e-9999 e-15 
e36 e32 e2 o9 e9999 e14 
e36 e32 e-3 o8 e2 e-20 
e36 e32 e-3 o8 e2 e-21 
e36 e32 e-3 o8 e-32 e9999 
e36 e32 e-5 e36 e9 e40 
e36 e23 e-37 e9999 e0 e-22 
e36 e23 e-37 e9 e8 e-8 
e35 e-9999 o39 o-9999 e39 o23 
e35 e-9999 o39 e38 o-11 e11 
e35 e-9999 o39 e30 e23 e9999 
e35 e-9999 o39 e30 e16 e-9999 
e35 e-9999 o29 e9999 e22 e-3 
e35 e-9999 o29 e-9999 e-1 e-9999 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-9999 e35 e-9999 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-9999 e-6 e15 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-9999 o-3 e2 
e35 e-9999 o11 e1 o-5 o33 
e35 e-9999 o11 e0 e-6 e-8 
e35 e-9999 o11 e0 e-8 e13 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o-9999 o-7 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o40 e-9999 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o40 e26 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o40 e-19 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-8 e16 e8 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-11 e17 e-5 
e35 e-9999 o11 e-17 o-9999 e10 
e35 e-9999 o11 o3 e-3 e40 
e35 e-9999 o11 o0 e-13 e-15 
e35 e-9999 o11 o-3 e-26 e-9999 
e35 e-9999 o11 o-9 e39 e40 
e35 e-9999 o11 o-9 e39 o33 
e35 e40 o-19 o41 e-10 e22 
e35 e0 e21 e-18 e4 e9999 
e35 e0 e21 e-18 e4 e40 
e35 e0 e21 e-24 e40 e-3 
e35 e0 e21 e-24 o-34 e9999 
e35 e-39 e-9999 e7 o34 e40 
e35 e-39 e-9999 e-2 e32 e9999 
e35 e-39 e-9999 e-2 e32 e40 
e35 e-39 e-9999 e-2 e32 e15 
e35 e-39 e-9999 e-2 e32 e6 
e35 e-39 o-9999 e-9999 e-28 e4 
e35 e-39 e11 e39 e-1 e26 
e35 e-39 e11 e39 e-5 e26 
e35 e-39 e7 e40 e2 e-26 
e35 e-39 e4 o-6 o-5 o-15 
e35 e-39 e0 e-17 o5 e-16 
e35 e-39 e0 o-30 e4 e9999 
e35 e-39 e0 o-30 e4 e40 
e35 e-39 e-2 e-9999 o7 o9999 
e35 e-39 e-15 e10 e-36 e-25 
e35 e-39 e-15 e10 o12 e8 
e35 e-39 e-15 e10 o-39 e3 
e35 e-39 e-16 e-4 e9999 e-12 
e35 e-39 o7 o3 e-27 e32 
e35 e-39 o7 o3 e-27 e22 
e35 o-8 o-17 e21 e-32 e-8 
e35 o-8 o-17 e17 o3 e-11 
e35 o-8 o-17 e16 e10 e-22 
e35 o-8 o-17 e11 e-1 e26 
e35 o-8 o-17 e11 e-5 e26 
e35 o-8 o-17 e5 e-27 e-16 
e35 o-8 o-17 e2 e-22 e15 
e35 o-8 o-17 e1 e-28 e9999 
e35 o-38 e10 e1 e-1 e8 
e35 o-38 e-5 e40 e40 e-29 
e35 o-38 e-11 e-1 e0 o-28 
e35 o-38 e-11 e-35 e7 e27 
e33 o-9999 e22 e-31 o0 e-24 
e33 o-9999 e22 e-40 e36 e39 
e33 e31 e-9999 o-4 e-9999 e36 
e33 e31 e31 e18 o25 o-3 
e33 e31 e29 e-22 o27 e30 
e33 e31 e18 e16 o5 e9999 
e33 e31 e12 e9999 o26 e26 
e33 e31 e12 o24 e40 o29 
e33 e31 e9 o-14 o31 o-12 
e33 e31 e1 e9999 e-38 e25 
e33 e31 o13 o-33 e-5 e-2 
e33 e23 e-29 o-30 e-38 e-27 
e33 e6 e37 e38 e-12 e15 
e33 e6 e-9 e5 e26 e-12 
e33 e6 o38 e38 e33 e1 
e33 e6 o38 e24 e-23 o41 
e33 e6 o35 o-1 e4 e-8 
e33 e4 o26 o9999 e-14 e-34 
e33 o32 e33 e9999 e10 e-22 
e33 o32 e-8 e38 e4 e-39 
e33 o32 e-8 e33 e9999 e-8 
e33 o32 e-8 e33 e35 e1 
e33 o32 e-8 e26 e-18 e8 
e33 o32 e-8 e26 o-6 e-12 
e33 o32 e-8 e20 e-22 e35 
e33 o32 e-8 e20 e-28 e40 
e33 o32 e-8 e18 e10 e-8 
e33 o32 e-8 e-2 o-39 o-2 
e33 o32 e-8 e-8 e40 e-18 
e33 o32 e-8 e-8 e-24 e-2 
e32 e24 o0 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e32 e24 o0 e3 o-9999 o-12 
e32 e24 o0 e3 e39 e-8 
e32 e6 e21 e9999 e39 e9999 
e32 e6 e21 e9999 e32 e-9999 
e32 e6 e21 e40 e40 e40 
e32 e6 e21 e40 o41 o20 
e32 e6 e21 e3 e25 e-8 
e32 e6 e21 e-2 o-2 e-9999 
e32 e6 e21 e-5 e20 e0 
e32 e5 e-9999 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e32 e5 e3 o-9999 e-26 e40 
e32 e5 e2 e8 e-25 e8 
e32 e5 e2 e8 e-25 o2 
e32 e5 e2 e8 e-25 o-4 
e32 e5 e2 e8 o-1 e36 
e32 e5 e2 e-2 e-39 e-1 
e32 e5 e2 e-2 o21 e-4 
e32 e5 e2 e-6 e-9999 e-15 
e32 e5 e2 o9 e9999 e14 
e32 e5 e2 o5 e7 e-9999 
e32 e5 e2 o5 e7 e12 
e32 e5 e-3 e16 e-29 o-15 
e32 e5 e-3 o8 e35 e9999 
e32 e5 e-3 o8 e2 e-20 
e32 e5 e-3 o8 e2 e-21 
e32 e5 e-3 o8 e-32 e9999 
e32 e5 e-3 o1 e23 e8 
e32 e5 e-5 e36 e9 e40 
e30 e12 e40 e-11 e-33 e-16 
e30 o13 e-26 e-29 e-9999 e1 
e30 o13 e-26 e-35 e-27 e-15 
e29 e15 o-29 e9999 o-9 e9999 
e29 e15 o-29 e9999 o-9 e40 
e29 e15 o-29 o-33 o-26 e35 
e29 e-25 e27 e25 o-39 o-8 
e29 o-14 e-9999 e-9999 o13 e-9999 
e29 o-14 e-9999 e-9999 o13 e25 
e29 o-14 e-9999 e-9999 o13 e12 
e29 o-14 e-2 e40 e-27 e-16 
e29 o-14 e-2 e40 e-28 e9999 
e29 o-14 o1 o9999 e1 e-24 
e29 o-14 o1 e-25 e21 e0 
e29 o-14 o1 e-25 e-31 e15 
e29 o-14 o1 o-24 e19 e16 
e29 o-14 o1 o-24 e12 e-9999 
e29 o-14 o1 o-24 e12 e40 
e29 o-14 o-7 e12 e18 e8 
e29 o-14 o-7 e-19 o-29 e-33 
e29 o-14 o-39 e17 o3 e-11 
e29 o-14 o-39 e16 e10 e-22 
e29 o-14 o-39 e11 e-5 e26 
e29 o-14 o-39 e2 e-22 e15 
e26 e36 e8 e-6 e-11 e-13 
e26 e36 e8 e-7 e5 e9999 
e26 e36 e8 e-13 e33 e1 
e26 e36 e8 e-13 e33 e-15 
e26 e36 e8 e-13 e25 e-18 
e26 e36 e8 e-14 e40 e-3 
e26 e36 e8 e-14 o-34 e9999 
e26 e36 e8 e-23 e-11 e-13 
e26 e36 e8 e-31 e0 e-9999 
e26 e36 e8 e-37 e-11 e-5 
e26 e36 e8 e-40 o9999 e-7 
e26 e36 e-24 e32 e-11 e-13 
e26 e36 e-24 e32 e-26 e40 
e26 e32 e30 o9999 e5 e-25 
e26 e32 e30 o9999 e1 e-25 
e26 e32 e30 e39 e5 e-25 
e26 e32 e30 e39 e1 e-25 
e26 e32 e30 e34 o-9999 o1 
e26 e32 e30 e28 e30 e9999 
e26 e32 e30 e20 o-9999 e-8 
e26 e32 e30 e16 o6 e9999 
e26 e32 e30 e16 o6 e40 
e26 e-26 e7 o-9999 o-18 e40 
e26 e-26 e7 e39 e-25 e18 
e26 e-26 e7 e39 e-33 e15 
e26 e-26 e7 e39 e-33 e-1 
e26 e-33 e23 e34 e15 e27 
e26 e-33 e23 e29 e40 e-18 
e26 e-33 e19 e34 e15 e27 
e26 e-33 e19 e29 e40 e-18 
e24 e26 e-7 e40 e18 e-15 
e24 e26 e-7 o41 e15 e8 
e24 e24 e9 e-9999 e-1 e26 
e24 e24 e9 e-9999 e-5 e26 
e24 e24 o36 e-19 e-26 e17 
e24 e24 o36 o-18 e4 e9999 
e24 e24 o36 o-24 e-34 e9999 
e24 e24 o16 o-6 e16 e-26 
e24 e24 o16 o-29 e15 e1 
e24 e13 e-13 o-26 e-27 e-15 
e24 e12 e-7 e-22 o34 e40 
e24 e12 e-34 e-10 e16 e40 
e23 e33 e-19 e9 e33 e-18 
e23 e33 e-19 e9 e20 e-1 
e23 e33 e-19 e-1 e9999 e34 
e23 e33 e-19 e-2 e11 e5 
e23 e33 e-23 e-1 e9999 e34 
e23 e26 e-7 e40 e33 e1 
e23 e26 e-7 e40 e25 e-18 
e23 e10 e-9999 e9 e33 e-18 
e23 e10 e-9999 e9 e20 e-1 
e23 e10 e-9999 e-1 e9999 e34 
e23 e10 e-9999 e-2 e11 e5 
e23 e10 e-9999 e-3 e-32 e-8 
e19 e33 o-1 e1 e30 e12 
e19 e32 e-9999 e8 e32 e27 
e19 e32 e-9999 o26 e-25 e18 
e19 e32 e-9999 o-6 o18 e9999 
e19 e32 o9999 o-3 e-25 e-25 
e19 e32 o-9999 e18 o9999 o-23 
e19 e32 o-9999 e18 e28 e12 
e19 e32 o-9999 o9 e18 e9999 
e19 e32 e9 e-8 e26 e9999 
e19 e32 o41 o-7 e-40 o-10 
e19 e32 o38 e-11 e-32 e-15 
e19 e32 o26 e16 e10 e-22 
e19 e32 o25 o9999 o-5 o36 
e19 e32 o25 o40 o-38 e-11 
e19 e30 e-33 e29 e40 e-18 
e19 e26 o21 o41 e40 e40 
e19 e26 o21 o41 e40 e4 
e19 e12 e3 e9999 o2 e9999 
e19 e12 e3 e39 e0 e-9999 
e19 e12 e3 e39 e0 e12 
e19 e12 e3 e39 e0 e-4 
e19 e12 e3 e39 o16 e18 
e19 e6 e32 e40 e-25 e9999 
e19 e6 e32 e40 e-25 e40 
e19 e6 e32 e40 e-25 e-25 
e19 e4 e0 e12 e9999 o14 
e19 e4 e0 e12 e9999 o12 
e19 e4 e0 e12 e39 o10 
e19 o33 e-27 e9999 e1 e-25 
e19 o33 e-29 e17 o3 e-11 
e19 o33 e-29 e16 e10 e-22 
e19 o33 e-29 e11 e-1 e26 
e19 o33 e-29 e5 e-27 e-16 
e19 o33 e-29 e1 e-28 e9999 
e19 o33 e-33 e-9999 e11 e40 
e19 o33 e-33 e-10 e7 e8 
e19 o33 e-34 e-9999 o38 e1 
e19 o33 e-34 e2 o9999 e24 
e19 o33 e-38 e9999 e-35 e-4 
e19 o33 e-38 o9999 e-9 e2 
e19 o33 e-38 o-9999 e-9999 o-36 
e19 o33 e-38 o-9999 e40 e-8 
e19 o29 e25 e-8 e17 o-5 
e19 o26 e9999 e22 o1 e-8 
e19 o26 e9999 e-3 e-32 e2 
e19 o26 e39 o-11 e21 e-24 
e19 o26 e7 e-9 e-9999 e4 
e19 o26 o-9 o9 e8 e-8 
e15 e9999 e7 e20 e40 o1 
e15 e9999 e5 o9999 o9999 o0 
e15 e9999 e5 e21 e-1 e26 
e15 e9999 e5 e21 e-5 e26 
e15 e9999 e5 e19 e9999 e1 
e15 e9999 e-1 e31 e-26 e-9999 
e15 e9999 e-1 e29 e9999 e8 
e15 e9999 e-1 e15 e-31 e8 
e15 e9999 e-1 e14 e-9999 o-9 
e15 e9999 e-1 e2 o-22 e15 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-5 e6 e-1 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-5 e-31 e40 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-7 e22 e34 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-17 e11 e34 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-17 e9 e18 
e15 e9999 e-1 e-29 o35 e-3 
e15 e10 e39 e-38 e39 e38 
e15 e10 e39 e-38 e39 e18 
e15 e10 e-8 e31 e-26 e-9999 
e15 e10 e-8 e29 e9999 e8 
e15 e10 e-8 e15 e-31 e8 
e15 e10 e-8 e14 e-9999 o-9 
e15 e10 e-8 e2 o-22 e15 
e15 e10 e-8 e-5 e6 e-1 
e15 e10 e-8 e-5 e-31 e40 
e15 e10 e-8 e-7 e22 e34 
e15 e10 e-8 e-17 e11 e34 
e15 e10 e-8 e-17 e9 e18 
e15 e10 e-8 e-29 o35 e-3 
e15 e8 e-33 e-18 e24 e7 
e15 e8 e-33 e-25 e40 e-20 
e15 e8 e-33 e-25 e40 e-24 
e15 e8 e-33 e-25 e7 e-25 
e15 e8 e-33 e-39 e-10 e22 
e15 e6 e9999 e9999 e-5 e26 
e15 e6 e9999 e-3 e33 e1 
e15 e6 e9999 e-5 o9999 e9999 
e15 e6 e-23 o9999 o3 e-22 
e15 e6 e-23 o-9999 e40 e-18 
e15 e2 e32 e-9999 e-18 e-9999 
e15 e2 e32 e-9999 o-25 e18 
e15 e2 e32 e-9999 o-33 e15 
e15 e2 e32 e-9999 o-33 e-1 
e15 e-8 o19 e-9 e34 e12 
e15 e-9 e9999 e9999 e-11 e-13 
e15 e-9 e9999 e10 e-7 e-8 
e15 e-16 e40 e7 e39 e-6 
e15 e-16 e-5 e-27 e32 o-20 
e15 e-16 e-5 e-35 e-2 e18 
e15 e-16 o22 e15 e-1 e26 
e15 e-16 o22 e15 e-5 e26 
e15 e-16 o22 e-10 e-5 e27 
e15 e-16 o22 e-10 o0 o-2 
e15 e-22 e-24 e5 e13 e31 
e15 e-22 e-24 e-15 e-9999 e8 
e15 e-22 e-24 e-15 e39 e-8 
e15 e-22 e-24 e-21 e-8 e34 
e15 e-22 e-24 e-38 e-20 e8 
e15 e-24 e34 e9999 e5 e-28 
e15 e-24 e34 e3 e-22 e9999 
e15 e-24 e7 o20 o41 e8 
e11 e31 e31 e8 e32 e8 
e11 e31 e13 e-33 e18 e-32 
e11 e31 e11 e27 e-37 o3 
e11 e31 e1 o9999 e5 o17 
e11 e31 e1 o9999 e1 o38 
e11 e6 e-9999 e-4 e40 e-20 
e11 e6 e-9999 e-4 e40 e-24 
e11 e6 e24 e-4 e40 e-20 
e11 e6 e24 e-4 e40 e-24 
e11 e6 e24 e-35 e-20 o9 
e11 e6 e1 e7 o34 e40 
e11 e6 e-9 e2 o15 e23 
e11 e6 e-12 e5 e9999 e-25 
e11 e6 e-12 e1 e9999 e-25 
e10 e33 o-36 e9999 e9999 e-1 
e10 e32 e40 o28 e12 e8 
e10 e23 e-37 e1 e13 e-29 
e5 e-11 e15 e-19 e9999 e-8 
e5 e-11 e15 e-19 e-26 e40 
e5 e-11 e15 e-19 o41 e8 
e5 e-11 e15 e-19 o-13 o4 
e5 e-30 o36 e-1 e-31 o-19 
e5 e-30 o36 e-1 e-39 e-14 
e5 e-30 o4 e-29 e9999 e18 
e5 e-32 e15 e-29 e9999 e18 
e5 e-32 o-24 e9 o-13 e-15 
e5 e-36 e40 e-6 e-40 e-9999 
e5 e-38 e7 e-29 e9999 e18 
e1 e39 e12 e9999 e10 e-22 
e1 e33 o-4 e-32 e-9999 e-39 
e1 e33 o-4 e-32 o32 e9999 
e1 e33 o-4 e-32 o32 e40 
e1 e32 e-7 e10 e36 e-15 
e1 e32 e-7 e10 e24 e8 
e1 e32 e-7 e10 e17 e-5 
e1 e32 e-7 e8 e-8 e-26 
e1 e32 e-7 e8 e-8 e-31 
e1 e32 e-7 e-24 e5 e8 
e1 e32 e-33 e-5 e-6 e8 
e1 e32 e-33 e-19 e40 o12 
e1 e32 e-33 o1 o-9 o-16 
e1 e31 o8 e9999 e-4 e9999 
e1 e31 o8 e9999 e-4 e-9 
e1 e31 o8 o9999 o2 e40 
e1 e31 o8 o-9999 e11 e34 
e1 e31 o8 o-9999 e9 e18 
e1 e31 o8 e39 e6 e-27 
e1 e31 o8 e13 e-26 e-9999 
e1 e31 o8 e6 e-5 e-9999 
e1 e31 o8 o13 o41 e-3 
e1 e31 o8 o13 o41 e-13 
e1 e31 o8 o13 o40 e8 
e1 e31 o8 o-7 e-17 e5 
e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e9999 
e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e40 
e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e9 
e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e8 
e1 e28 e34 e40 e38 e-7 
e1 e28 e34 e40 e25 e9 
e1 e28 e34 e3 e-7 e29 
e1 e28 e7 o40 e36 e-4 
e1 e28 e7 o22 e28 o-3 
e1 e28 e7 o22 e-34 e9999 
e-7 e2 o27 e-6 e12 o37 
e-7 e2 o27 e-13 e9999 e0 
e-7 e-28 e21 e-9999 e-9999 e40 
e-7 e-28 e21 e3 o-9999 o-12 
e-7 e-28 e21 e3 e39 e-8 
e-9 e12 e28 e-5 o20 e-8 
e-9 e12 e28 e-10 e39 e-9 
dvgrn wrote: Meanwhile I'm trying a 5-cycle search with a width of +/-80, which is on the last cycle now with 90,000 patterns left to look through. Seems as if 5 cycles will be done in a reasonable amount of time at this width, but 6 cycles might take a week or three.
Sounds adventurous. The longest search I managed was depth 5 with +/-40 searching for 180 degree gliders. Bet there will be a tonne of good stuff that shows up in your search.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 22nd, 2014, 1:18 pm

chris_c wrote:
dvgrn wrote:I ran the +/-40 search to completion overnight, ending up with 509 elbow ops up to 6 cycles (!). Unfortunately the output text file was partly corrupted for some reason, so until I finish re-running that search, all I have is the RLE...
How annoying! I have a script that converts RLE back into text format:
No doubt that will come in handy sometime -- thanks! I wrote a similar script a year or two ago, but it seems to have succumbed to bit-rot in the interim, maybe due to formatting changes. Originally I had the really bad idea of marking even-parity gliders with commas and odd parities with semicolons. Boy, was that confusing (and hard to read).

Not to worry about the missing elbow and lane details, though: I re-started the search last night, with a MAX_DIFF of 80 instead of 40 but no other changes. It's working on the sixth glider pair now -- has done about 4K out of 300K total patterns to search and is moving steadily along, so should be done again by tomorrow. Thanks to the increased search width, 177 five-cycle recipes have showed up instead of 69, so there may be well over a thousand six-cycle recipes.

On another spare machine I'm running a five-cycle search with MAX_DIFF=80 and the other arbitrary limits increased as well, so we'll see how many more than 177 recipes that search comes up with. After that I would say that we'll have no shortage of elbow-op options. Will have to thoroughly rewrite the gp-compiler I used for the spiral-growth pattern and the GoL propagator-replicator, though, since the current draft still assumes only even-hd elbow moves.


-- It's a bad idea for me to do such long-running searches. While watching the screen, I've been thinking that a four-channel serial Geminoid is really just as workable as the current two-channel one.

With four channels we can run two construction arms at 90 degrees to each other, with zero signal-crossing or timing constraints -- which means that circuit construction recipes can be compiled with Calcyman's This would cut maybe an order of magnitude or two off of the size of the recipe and the construction time, over a single-arm design.

Could build, for example, an oblique Geminoid similar to the original Gemini, but the cleanup of the previous constructor unit could be done very efficiently by *WSSes fired directly from the construction elbow. Or a diamond-shaped Geminoid, where the serial data goes around four times -- I just thought of this option -- lots more crossing points to worry about, but these are slow salvos, so it's always possible to just wait around for the next timing that works. A diamond shape should run so much faster in Golly that it would more than make up for the extra construction cost -- especially if the period and step could be arranged to be exact powers of two.

[A diamond Geminoid would need four 90-degree-reflector U.C.s instead of two 180-degree ones -- and if we're going to use the same recipe on all four corners, it will be necessary to build four times as much circuitry as any given corner will actually use. Maybe the other three corners could automatically self-destruct based on where the first glider comes in...?]

On an unrelated note, I also just thought that the Demonoid would be a good candidate to be the first pattern for which a spaceship gun was completed before the actual spaceship. Geminoids are so wonderfully self-constructing that we _could_ actually build the gun before the ship, if we were really careful.

...Sorry, was up very late doing statistical research last night. These are probably all just hallucinations brought on by lack of sleep -- here's hoping they'll be gone again in the morning.

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Joined: June 28th, 2014, 7:15 am

Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 23rd, 2014, 8:32 am

I've been searching for elbow preserving LWSS recipes and ended up with more than 200. My earlier proposal of using 2 * y + (x+y)%2 to number LWSS outputs does work as a means of classification, but I am not sure it is really the right way to look at LWSS lanes. LWSS recipes come in two distinct types that can never be transformed into each other via block moves. Here is a diagram with my proposal for numbering (although I haven't implemented this in the recipes below yet):

Code: Select all

x = 144, y = 131, rule = LifeHistory
The first LWSS is given the name "-6EW" because there are 6 lanes below the block to the bottom of the LWSS lane envelope, because there are 22 blank cells (an even number) between the dot spark of the LWSS and the envelope of the nearest construction lane, and because it's moving west.

I ran quite a big search of (4,4,80) and it is quite weird that only one odd recipe turned up (the first 4 glider pairs here are the only way to make an odd LWSS in 4 cycles or less except for two recipes that only lead to elbow killers):

Code: Select all

LWSS_Wm-25hdg27:e-9 e12 e65 o-2 e-4 e-79 e-29 e35
whereas there are 211 even recipes:

Code: Select all

LWSS_Wm-23hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e8 
LWSS_Sm-1hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-58 
LWSS_Sm-9hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o80 e8 
LWSS_Wm-33hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e26 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-1hdg32:e11 e12 e-24 o-47 e-11 e-58 
LWSS_Sm10hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-18 e-9999 
LWSS_Sm0hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-60 e-8 
LWSS_Sm2hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-33 e15 
LWSS_Sm1hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-33 e-1 
LWSS_Sm-19hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o9999 e26 e-15 
LWSS_Sm-13hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o9999 o-59 e-48 
LWSS_Sm3hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o-75 e-9999 o-58 
LWSS_Wm-9hdg10:e34 e80 o-51 e9999 e5 e-47 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-12hdg10:e34 e80 o-51 e9999 e5 e-47 e2 
LWSS_Sm-12hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o22 o-58 o-32 
LWSS_Sm-11hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e79 o-46 e-27 
LWSS_Sm-13hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e79 o-48 e34 
LWSS_Sm-17hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e79 o-54 e42 
LWSS_Wm11hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e16 e9999 o-27 
LWSS_Wm-30hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-9 e-8 
LWSS_Wm-36hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-13 e7 
LWSS_Wm-43hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-45 e-58 
LWSS_Wm-49hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-12 e4 
LWSS_Wm-37hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-40 e8 
LWSS_Wm-35hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e31 e-27 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-29hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e31 e-31 e8 
LWSS_Wm-31hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e13 e-1 e26 
LWSS_Wm-19hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e9 e9999 o15 
LWSS_Wm-26hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-34 e80 
LWSS_Wm-29hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-59 o-12 
LWSS_Wm-20hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-59 o-14 
LWSS_Wm-31hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e17 e-47 e-58 
LWSS_Wm-39hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e17 e-58 o-7 
LWSS_Wm-13hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e17 e-66 e33 
LWSS_Wm-32hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e17 e-70 o-27 
LWSS_Wm-38hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e16 e-72 e4 
LWSS_Wm-36hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e16 e-74 e-25 
LWSS_Wm-28hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e8 e30 e-50 
LWSS_Wm-23hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e8 e23 e8 
LWSS_Wm-18hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-7 e-70 e-8 
LWSS_Wm-16hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9 e-8 e1 
LWSS_Wm8hdg32:e11 e12 e-24 o-47 e-11 e-12 e-26 
LWSS_Wm-7hdg32:e11 e12 e-24 o-47 e-11 e-48 e-7 
LWSS_Wm2hdg32:e11 e12 e-24 o-47 e-11 o-33 e15 
LWSS_Wm1hdg32:e11 e12 e-24 o-47 e-11 o-33 e-1 
LWSS_Sm-12hdg-23:e11 o32 e24 o47 e-3 o13 e79 
LWSS_Sm-34hdg-23:e11 o32 e24 o47 e-18 e-3 e-13 
LWSS_Wm-2hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-24 e-34 e-57 
LWSS_Wm-7hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-50 e1 e-32 
LWSS_Wm-6hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-50 e1 o-65 
LWSS_Wm-16hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-50 e0 e-55 
LWSS_Wm-13hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-53 e-23 o60 
LWSS_Wm-8hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-53 o-22 e-9999 
LWSS_Wm-3hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-56 e-44 e-16 
LWSS_Wm-23hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-59 e-33 e-4 
LWSS_Wm2hdg4:e5 e-80 e80 e-5 e-60 e79 e-39 
LWSS_Wm2hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e29 e-34 o20 
LWSS_Wm-4hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e-35 e-4 o31 
LWSS_Wm-19hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e-35 o81 e-9999 
LWSS_Wm-17hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e-35 o81 e31 
LWSS_Wm-10hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e-35 o81 e26 
LWSS_Wm-20hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e-35 o81 e-7 
LWSS_Wm-22hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 e-35 o81 e-19 
LWSS_Wm-16hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 o-17 o-5 e-3 
LWSS_Wm-12hdg20:e38 e9999 e60 e-8 e-9999 o-39 o23 e69 
LWSS_Sm14hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-18 e-8 e18 
LWSS_Sm-3hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-34 e9999 e80 
LWSS_Sm9hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-34 e9999 e-26 
LWSS_Sm-14hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-50 e-19 o30 
LWSS_Sm-10hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-60 e-26 e-9999 
LWSS_Sm-6hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-66 e-34 e80 
LWSS_Sm-7hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 e-78 e-1 e26 
LWSS_Sm13hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-7 e-17 e5 
LWSS_Sm-2hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-7 o-24 e-8 
LWSS_Sm6hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-17 e0 e-39 
LWSS_Sm-5hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-17 e-19 o-10 
LWSS_Sm-8hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 e9999 o-33 e1 e1 
LWSS_Sm-21hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o9999 e31 e-27 e-15 
LWSS_Sm-16hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o9999 e-56 o-58 e-9999 
LWSS_Sm-29hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o9999 e-56 o-70 e-58 
LWSS_Sm-37hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o9999 o-59 e-24 o-58 
LWSS_Sm-22hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o80 e33 e-13 e7 
LWSS_Sm-35hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o80 e33 o-12 e4 
LWSS_Sm-23hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o80 e33 o-40 e8 
LWSS_Sm-15hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o80 e31 e-31 e8 
LWSS_Sm-17hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o80 e13 e-1 e26 
LWSS_Sm4hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o-75 e-9999 e-25 e18 
LWSS_Sm5hdg-23:e35 e-2 o-64 o-21 o-75 e-9999 e-33 e-1 
LWSS_Wm-22hdg10:e34 e80 o-51 e9999 e5 e-55 o9999 e25 
LWSS_Wm-32hdg10:e34 e80 o-51 e9999 e5 e-57 e9999 e-31 
LWSS_Wm-23hdg10:e34 e80 o-51 e9999 e5 e-57 o46 o7 
LWSS_Wm-29hdg10:e34 e80 o-51 e9999 e5 o-57 e67 o1 
LWSS_Wm-8hdg24:e33 e77 o40 o-47 o3 o81 e19 e-39 
LWSS_Wm5hdg24:e33 e77 o40 o-47 o3 o81 e-9 e16 
LWSS_Sm-15hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o-9999 e22 e-35 e35 
LWSS_Sm-48hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 e-6 e-65 o-2 e44 
LWSS_Sm-20hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 e-6 o-60 e-15 e40 
LWSS_Sm-19hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o68 o-9999 e-60 e-38 
LWSS_Sm4hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o28 e74 e80 e24 
LWSS_Sm-5hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o28 e14 e-35 e55 
LWSS_Sm-31hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o28 e14 e-41 e-20 
LWSS_Sm-23hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o28 e-21 e-3 e-59 
LWSS_Sm-10hdg-33:e30 e48 e-9999 e-15 o22 o-40 e14 e-8 
LWSS_Sm-4hdg-23:e30 o6 o81 e-31 e9999 e21 e64 e9999 
LWSS_Sm-15hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e9999 e9999 e19 e-8 
LWSS_Sm12hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e9999 o9999 e9999 e-20 
LWSS_Sm6hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e9999 o-18 e10 e6 
LWSS_Sm-2hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e9999 o-18 e-35 e23 
LWSS_Sm9hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e9999 o-18 e-61 e-9999 
LWSS_Sm11hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e-9999 e22 e-52 o4 
LWSS_Sm-1hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e79 e-47 e-12 e20 
LWSS_Sm-20hdg-15:e29 e69 o79 o47 e79 o-48 e39 e3 
LWSS_Wm-33hdg26:e26 e30 e53 o14 e2 o9999 e-62 o3 
LWSS_Wm-27hdg32:e26 e-12 o20 o-77 e-20 o-58 o-59 o-22 
LWSS_Wm1hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e80 e-49 e9999 o-12 
LWSS_Wm2hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e46 o-9999 o51 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-1hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e46 o-9999 o51 e80 
LWSS_Wm-10hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e35 e-34 e9999 e1 
LWSS_Wm0hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e35 e-62 e19 e44 
LWSS_Wm-7hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e31 e25 e-9999 e42 
LWSS_Wm-3hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e31 e25 e-26 e-8 
LWSS_Wm-14hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-30 o28 e-75 
LWSS_Wm-13hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-30 o28 e-78 
LWSS_Wm-17hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-48 o49 e12 
LWSS_Wm10hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-62 e40 e9999 
LWSS_Wm7hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-62 e40 e80 
LWSS_Wm4hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-62 e36 e-16 
LWSS_Wm-6hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e30 e-62 e36 o-17 
LWSS_Wm-2hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e29 e-36 e-24 e-8 
LWSS_Wm13hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e29 e-36 o-17 e5 
LWSS_Wm-12hdg24:e26 e-13 e75 e52 e16 e9999 e-13 e-37 
LWSS_Wm-34hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-7 e-79 e6 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-37hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-7 e-79 e6 e80 
LWSS_Wm-31hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-8 e-21 e80 e74 
LWSS_Wm-17hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-8 e-30 e80 e8 
LWSS_Wm-32hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-8 e-72 e-9999 e41 
LWSS_Wm-36hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-8 e-72 e-9999 e18 
LWSS_Wm-40hdg14:e24 e33 e-57 o-47 e-8 e-72 e-9999 e0 
LWSS_Wm-34hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e35 e-49 o3 e-8 
LWSS_Wm-40hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e7 e31 o46 
LWSS_Wm-38hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e7 o18 e6 
LWSS_Wm-20hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-5 e30 e-4 
LWSS_Wm-26hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-5 e22 e74 
LWSS_Wm-42hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-17 e80 e-20 
LWSS_Wm-45hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-41 e9999 o-58 
LWSS_Wm-32hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-45 e-18 e-9999 
LWSS_Wm-41hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-45 o-33 e-1 
LWSS_Wm-53hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 e-71 e21 o-72 
LWSS_Wm-39hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o45 e-62 e-58 
LWSS_Wm-54hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-12 e57 e19 
LWSS_Wm-27hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-12 e34 e-44 
LWSS_Wm-52hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-12 e-48 e1 
LWSS_Wm-48hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-12 e-69 e-20 
LWSS_Wm-47hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-40 e26 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-57hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e33 o-76 e26 e3 
LWSS_Wm-22hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e31 e-22 o17 e-5 
LWSS_Wm-50hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e31 e-44 e11 e-4 
LWSS_Wm-59hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e13 e-16 e-10 e22 
LWSS_Wm-46hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e11 e3 e10 e-22 
LWSS_Wm-16hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e9 e9999 e-59 e-3 
LWSS_Wm-24hdg16:e24 e24 e11 e-47 e7 o62 o-56 e-2 
LWSS_Wm-30hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-25 e9999 e4 
LWSS_Wm-41hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-33 e12 o-58 
LWSS_Wm-35hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-34 e3 e12 
LWSS_Wm-34hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-38 e-14 e58 
LWSS_Wm-37hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-41 e-1 o55 
LWSS_Wm-21hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-41 e-10 e70 
LWSS_Wm-33hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-50 o-45 o-58 
LWSS_Wm-15hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-56 e4 o-6 
LWSS_Wm-25hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-58 e17 e-10 
LWSS_Wm-40hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-58 e11 e61 
LWSS_Wm-24hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9999 e-59 o9999 o-10 
LWSS_Wm-22hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e17 e-54 o-9999 e26 
LWSS_Wm-52hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e16 e-53 e57 e-35 
LWSS_Wm-54hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e16 e-60 e11 e34 
LWSS_Wm-60hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e8 e6 e42 e-45 
LWSS_Wm-11hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e8 e-59 e-36 e-6 
LWSS_Wm-50hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e8 e-64 e10 e-22 
LWSS_Wm-65hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e5 e10 e77 o12 
LWSS_Wm-45hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e5 e10 e-7 e9999 
LWSS_Wm-19hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9 e9999 e-63 e-10 
LWSS_Wm-42hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9 e55 e-15 e-8 
LWSS_Wm-43hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9 e33 e-1 e26 
LWSS_Wm-17hdg32:e19 e12 e-9 o-47 e-9 e-2 e34 e-9999 
LWSS_Sm-5hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o9999 e-14 e52 e38 
LWSS_Sm-1hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o9999 o-21 e80 o13 
LWSS_Sm-10hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o9999 o-31 e80 o54 
LWSS_Sm-19hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 e-9999 e1 e-37 
LWSS_Sm-45hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 e-9999 e-70 e-34 
LWSS_Sm-7hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 e-9999 o15 e-6 
LWSS_Sm-8hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 e-9999 o15 e-19 
LWSS_Sm-26hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 e28 e-40 o58 
LWSS_Sm2hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 e-1 e-31 e-46 
LWSS_Sm6hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-9999 o3 e-28 e50 
LWSS_Sm-20hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e9 o-16 o-9999 o-49 
LWSS_Sm-16hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e9 o-26 e-49 e0 
LWSS_Sm-23hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e9 o-26 o-24 e-30 
LWSS_Sm-25hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e3 o-63 e-3 e19 
LWSS_Sm-4hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e-18 e9 e12 e20 
LWSS_Sm-14hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e-18 e8 e-14 o-14 
LWSS_Sm-28hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 e-18 e8 o-24 e-47 
LWSS_Sm0hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-3 o-35 e-9999 e61 
LWSS_Sm-34hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-3 o-57 e-9999 o58 
LWSS_Sm-17hdg-13:e19 o75 o25 e47 o-3 o-65 e80 e8 
LWSS_Wm-12hdg32:e11 e12 e9999 o-47 e17 e-68 e-53 e-69 
LWSS_Wm-4hdg32:e11 e12 e9999 o-47 e-4 e-9999 o-1 o24 
LWSS_Wm-14hdg32:e11 e12 e-18 o-47 e8 e-78 e43 e-9999 
LWSS_Wm-3hdg32:e11 e12 e-18 o-47 e-9 e21 e17 e-32 
LWSS_Wm-10hdg32:e11 e12 e-22 o-47 e8 e-71 e-9999 e22 
LWSS_Wm3hdg32:e11 e12 e-22 o-47 e8 e-71 o81 o55 
LWSS_Wm-2hdg32:e11 e12 e-22 o-47 e4 e80 e-37 e45 
I think this is partly due to the commonness of LWSS based on variations of this reaction which will always give even recipes:

Code: Select all

x = 26, y = 26, rule = LifeHistory
Slightly better news is that the two elbow killing LWSS recipes in 4 or less cycles are both odd. I repeat them here:

Code: Select all

lwss01:e11 o-9999 e-3
lwss02:e26 e34 e9 e9999
dvgrn wrote: With four channels we can run two construction arms at 90 degrees to each other, with zero signal-crossing or timing constraints -- which means that circuit construction recipes can be compiled with Calcyman's This would cut maybe an order of magnitude or two off of the size of the recipe and the construction time, over a single-arm design.
Sounds good, I can just about envision that one...
dvgrn wrote: Or a diamond-shaped Geminoid, where the serial data goes around four times -- I just thought of this option -- lots more crossing points to worry about, but these are slow salvos, so it's always possible to just wait around for the next timing that works. A diamond shape should run so much faster in Golly that it would more than make up for the extra construction cost -- especially if the period and step could be arranged to be exact powers of two.
...but you lost me on the diamond shaped idea.
dvgrn wrote: On an unrelated note, I also just thought that the Demonoid would be a good candidate to be the first pattern for which a spaceship gun was completed before the actual spaceship. Geminoids are so wonderfully self-constructing that we _could_ actually build the gun before the ship, if we were really careful.
OK, I have been thinking about this possibility. It would be elegant if we could sit one Demonoid at the base of the gun that never gets destroyed and just feed the string of gliders into it every N generations to produce the Demonoid children. There would need to be two walls of eaters that absorb the LWSS intended to destroy previous Demonoids.

The first wall of eaters would absorb the LWSSes fired by the base Demonoid, the second wall would absorb the LWSSes fired by the first generation of the child Demnoids. Beyond that we would need some mechanisms to create/destroy the eaters and elbows required by the base Demonoid in every iteration.

Here is my amateurish proposal for a spaceship eating wall. It can eat LWSS of both parities on lanes that are separated by 9 cells vertically. Having to use LWSS only on lanes that are multiples of 9 doesn't seem like an overwhelmingly difficult constraint even in designs that use a lot of LWSS for destruction purposes.

Code: Select all

x = 24, y = 24, rule = B3/S23
Do you see any holes in this idea or anything radically simpler?

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Location: Madison, WI

Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 23rd, 2014, 12:32 pm

chris_c wrote:It would be elegant if we could sit one Demonoid at the base of the gun that never gets destroyed and just feed the string of gliders into it every N generations to produce the Demonoid children. There would need to be two walls of eaters that absorb the LWSS intended to destroy previous Demonoids.
Yup, this is similar to how the Gemini guns work -- except that the Gemini has a separate destructor arm, so you only need a relatively simple little eater constellation to disable that arm, and that doesn't get in the way of anything else. Here we've kind of made things complicated by including LWSSes in the mix.
chris_c wrote:The first wall of eaters would absorb the LWSSes fired by the base Demonoid, the second wall would absorb the LWSSes fired by the first generation of the child Demnoids. Beyond that we would need some mechanisms to create/destroy the eaters and elbows required by the base Demonoid in every iteration.
For a moment I wasn't sure if you were thinking an arrangement where the old U.C. was shot down directly by LWSSes -- but then I remembered: these are the LWSSes that hit the turners that build the gliders that shoot down the old U.C. (And I really want to add: "that lay in the house that Jack built.")
chris_c wrote:Here is my amateurish proposal for a spaceship eating wall. It can eat LWSS of both parities on lanes that are separated by 9 cells vertically. Having to use LWSS only on lanes that are multiples of 9 doesn't seem like an overwhelmingly difficult constraint even in designs that use a lot of LWSS for destruction purposes.
Or we could not allow LWSSes of both parities on a single lane, I suppose. If you stagger the line a little instead of having it vertical, you can just use plain eaters, and allow one parity or the other of LWSS every three lanes -- your choice, just by moving the eater left or right:

Code: Select all

x = 52, y = 16, rule = B3/S23
Another idea would be to switch back to the 180-degree glider elbow and slow second elbow. Then you'd just need to place eaters to absorb whatever gliders are emitted by the 180-degree elbow, and build a single block (the slow second elbow) in every construction cycle for each new Demonoid U.C. to fly off with. Especially if the U.C.s contain self-destruct circuits so that only one trigger glider is fired by the slow elbow, it should be easy enough to place eaters and eater2s to absorb unwanted gliders.

But the really strange thing is that the stationary permanent U.C.s don't have to look anything like the Demonoid U.C.s (though as you say that might be elegant.) Instead, we can just build two separate repeating loops that fire the exact same sequence of gliders as the Demonoid U.C.'s two construction-arm lanes do -- plus a third simple loop that fires the actual full recipe. I think this dodges most of the problem with destroying and rebuilding the blocking eaters.

The loops have to be something like double the period of the Demonoid, to give each new spaceship time to move out of the way before the next spaceship starts getting constructed. EDIT: I suppose an advantage of having the gun not look like the actual Demonoid is that this way there's less danger of accidentally constructing working spaceships before we construct a working spaceship gun -- the gun has to work before we'll see the spaceship. Just have to be careful not to do any manual repairs of the gun's output...

It's a fairly silly detail to spend any time on, anyway. Technically I could adjust a Gemini gun to produce a new period of Gemini spaceship that's never been seen before (just by moving one of the gun pieces diagonally) -- and that would also be a new spaceship where the gun was built before the spaceship... just a suspiciously familiar-looking one.

Posts: 966
Joined: June 28th, 2014, 7:15 am

Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 23rd, 2014, 6:53 pm

dvgrn wrote:Or we could not allow LWSSes of both parities on a single lane, I suppose.
Yeah that does sound simpler and more flexible...
dvgrn wrote: But the really strange thing is that the stationary permanent U.C.s don't have to look anything like the Demonoid U.C.s (though as you say that might be elegant.) Instead, we can just build two separate repeating loops that fire the exact same sequence of gliders as the Demonoid U.C.'s two construction-arm lanes do -- plus a third simple loop that fires the actual full recipe. I think this dodges most of the problem with destroying and rebuilding the blocking eaters.
And that is also hard to argue with...

But just in case... I spent some time (probably wasted time :)) coming up with the following contraption. It shows that two guns of period N/2 and two guns of period N can create and destroy an eater and create a new elbow once every N generations. I think it should be possible to create a Demnoid that is compatible with this idea but I'm not betting too much on it at the moment. In particular, I'm not 100% sure how to deal with the eater on the A lane. My hope is that the block and eater1 can be easily destroyed with a few reverse gliders from the next UC but this is yet to be proved.

Code: Select all

x = 319, y = 201, rule = LifeHistory
EDIT: if N is a multiple of 15 then this saves one gun. I'm sure its possible to do better though.

Code: Select all

x = 14, y = 49, rule = B3/S23
EDIT2: Forget that pentadecathlon ugliness. Instead the initial elbow can be a hive. I searched for recipes to go from hive to true elbow and to leave a hive behind a true elbow:

Code: Select all

x = 553, y = 333, rule = B3/S23

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 24th, 2014, 1:12 pm

Just a quick progress report on the 10hd recipe front. After a few false starts, a fresh six-cycle search at width +/-40 completed correctly last night. I also got about a third of the way through a six-cycle search at MAX_DIFF +/-80, but at 90400 objects out of 296932 the system ran out of memory and started paging to the hard drive. I canceled the search because it was clearly never going to finish. Might try again sometime on a computer with more RAM, but it's not a high priority at the moment.

I've combined the results into a list of 631 glider-output recipes, sorted by output direction, lane number, and elbow move:

Code: Select all

NE,-14,-47,NEm-14hdg-47:e-7 e-28 e21 e3 e39 e-8
NE,-12,-47,NEm-12hdg-47:e-7 e-28 e21 e3 o-9999 o-12
NE,-10,-47,NEm-10hdg-47:e-7 e-28 e21 e-9999 e-9999 e40
NE,-14,-43,NEm-14hdg-43:e32 e6 e21 e-5 e20 e0
NE,-9,-43,NEm-9hdg-43:e32 e6 e21 e9999 e43 o81
NE,-8,-43,NEm-8hdg-43:e32 e6 e21 e-2 o-2 e-9999
NE,-6,-43,NEm-6hdg-43:e32 e6 e21 e9999 e32 e-9999
NE,2,-43,NEm2hdg-43:e32 e6 e21 e40 e40 e40
NE,6,-43,NEm6hdg-43:e32 e6 e21 e40 o41 o20
NE,-21,-38,NEm-21hdg-38:e9999 e54 o48 e9999 e-6 e80
NE,-20,-38,NEm-20hdg-38:e9999 e54 o48 e9999 e-6 e6
NE,-18,-38,NEm-18hdg-38:e9999 e54 o48 e9999 e-6 e9999
NE,-11,-38,NEm-11hdg-38:e9999 e54 o48 e9999 e27 e80
NE,-10,-38,NEm-10hdg-38:e9999 e54 o48 e11 e8 o-7
NE,-8,-38,NEm-8hdg-38:e9999 e54 o48 e9999 e27 e9999
NE,-27,-35,NEm-27hdg-35:e9999 e21 e2 e-2 o69 e-28
NE,-26,-35,NEm-26hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-9999 e80 e21 o52
NE,-23,-35,NEm-23hdg-35:e33 e75 e-32 e18 e-1 e-74
NE,-13,-35,NEm-13hdg-35:e9999 e21 e2 e-2 o69 e-54
NE,-12,-35,NEm-12hdg-35:e9999 e21 e3 o-9999 e-26 e40
NE,-11,-35,NEm-11hdg-35:e11 e75 e-32 e-8 e-71
NE,-10,-35,NEm-10hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-3 e16 e-34 o58
NE,-8,-35,NEm-8hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-3 o64 o6 e-7
NE,-6,-35,NEm-6hdg-35:e9999 e21 e2 e-2 o21 e-4
NE,-4,-35,NEm-4hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-3 o35 e-60 o59
NE,-3,-35,NEm-3hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-5 e9999 e76 e-74
NE,-2,-35,NEm-2hdg-35:e9999 e21 e3 e39 e-8
NE,-1,-35,NEm-1hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-9999 e-9999 e-9999 e40
NE,1,-35,NEm1hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-3 o46 o-9999 o20
NE,2,-35,NEm2hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-9999 e-9999 e40
NE,5,-35,NEm5hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-3 o35 e-59 e25
NE,9,-35,NEm9hdg-35:e9999 e21 e-5 e9999 o-71 o-33
NE,0,-32,NEm0hdg-32:e32 e58 e27 o-5 o0 e80
NE,-19,-28,NEm-19hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-37 e-11 e-5
NE,-18,-28,NEm-18hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-13 e58
NE,-17,-28,NEm-17hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-13 e25 e-18
NE,-16,-28,NEm-16hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-13 e33 e1
NE,-15,-28,NEm-15hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-13 e33 e-15
NE,-11,-28,NEm-11hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-14 o-34 e9999
NE,-10,-28,NEm-10hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-40 o9999 e-7
NE,-7,-28,NEm-7hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-7 e5 e9999
NE,-6,-28,NEm-6hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-31 e0 e-9999
NE,-4,-28,NEm-4hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-14 e40 e-3
NE,0,-28,NEm0hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-6 e-11 e-13
NE,2,-28,NEm2hdg-28:e9999 e68 e-5 e-9999 o81 e80
NE,4,-28,NEm4hdg-28:e26 e36 e8 e-23 e-11 e-13
NE,-16,-25,NEm-16hdg-25:e-7 e2 o27 e-6 e12 o37
NE,-2,-25,NEm-2hdg-25:e-7 e2 o27 e-13 e9999 e0
NE,0,-25,NEm0hdg-25:e9999 e74 o-3 e3 o-9999 o-12
NE,2,-25,NEm2hdg-25:e9999 e74 o-3 e-9999 e-9999 e80
NE,-21,-24,NEm-21hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e45 o29 e53
NE,-20,-24,NEm-20hdg-24:e23 e33 e-19 e-1 e9999 e34
NE,-17,-24,NEm-17hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e35 e57 e-43
NE,-16,-24,NEm-16hdg-24:e26 e36 e-24 e32 e-26 e40
NE,-12,-24,NEm-12hdg-24:e26 e36 e-24 e27 e40
NE,-11,-24,NEm-11hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e45 e29 e2
NE,-10,-24,NEm-10hdg-24:e23 e33 e-19 e-2 e11 e5
NE,-9,-24,NEm-9hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e45 o33 e16
NE,-8,-24,NEm-8hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e-9999 o-11 o1
NE,-7,-24,NEm-7hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e44 o39 e-56
NE,-5,-24,NEm-5hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o9999 e25 e8
NE,-4,-24,NEm-4hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o9999 e34
NE,-3,-24,NEm-3hdg-24:e23 e33 e-19 e9 e33 e-18
NE,-2,-24,NEm-2hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o9999 e60
NE,-1,-24,NEm-1hdg-24:e26 e36 e-24 e32 e-11 e-13
NE,0,-24,NEm0hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o-13 o-17
NE,1,-24,NEm1hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o-9999 e3 e-18
NE,2,-24,NEm2hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e35 e9 o0
NE,3,-24,NEm3hdg-24:e23 e33 e-19 e9 e20 e-1
NE,5,-24,NEm5hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o9999 e-26
NE,6,-24,NEm6hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e-6 e28 e18
NE,7,-24,NEm7hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e55 e-54 e80
NE,8,-24,NEm8hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o-9999 e10 e-8
NE,10,-24,NEm10hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e55 e-38 e-40
NE,11,-24,NEm11hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e25 e55 e8
NE,12,-24,NEm12hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 o-21 e-52 o-68
NE,17,-24,NEm17hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e55 e18 e9999
NE,-38,-23,NEm-38hdg-23:e23 e26 e-7 e80 e58
NE,-37,-23,NEm-37hdg-23:e23 e26 e-7 e40 e25 e-18
NE,-36,-23,NEm-36hdg-23:e23 e26 e-7 e40 e33 e1
NE,-35,-23,NEm-35hdg-23:e24 e26 e-7 o41 e15 e8
NE,-27,-23,NEm-27hdg-23:e24 e26 e-7 e40 e18 e-15
NE,-20,-23,NEm-20hdg-23:e35 e0 o69 o80 o46 e-8
NE,-18,-23,NEm-18hdg-23:e35 e0 o69 o10 e-10 e-40
NE,-16,-23,NEm-16hdg-23:e35 e0 o69 o-68 e44 o-15
NE,-7,-23,NEm-7hdg-23:e35 e0 o69 o9999 o-44 o-1
NE,-30,-22,NEm-30hdg-22:e9999 e1 e34 e-4 e77 e-1
NE,-26,-22,NEm-26hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 o-28 e5 e-25
NE,-24,-22,NEm-24hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 o-28 e1 e-25
NE,-23,-22,NEm-23hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 o-12 e-31 e-58
NE,-20,-22,NEm-20hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 o-50 e-74
NE,-19,-22,NEm-19hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e9999 e9999 o-58
NE,-17,-22,NEm-17hdg-22:e38 e43 o-41 o-9999 o-31 e-1
NE,-16,-22,NEm-16hdg-22:e38 e43 o-41 e79 e79 e38
NE,-14,-22,NEm-14hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e-51 e15 e-32
NE,-11,-22,NEm-11hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 o-18 e-3 e80
NE,-10,-22,NEm-10hdg-22:e9999 e1 e34 e-4 e42 e6
NE,-9,-22,NEm-9hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 o-12 e-29 e46
NE,-8,-22,NEm-8hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e9999 o-18 e80
NE,-4,-22,NEm-4hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e-23 e-3 e11
NE,-2,-22,NEm-2hdg-22:e9999 e1 e34 e-4 e44
NE,2,-22,NEm2hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e-51 e79 e-8
NE,3,-22,NEm3hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e9999 e-27 e-19
NE,14,-22,NEm14hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e-23 e16 e80
NE,17,-22,NEm17hdg-22:e9999 e58 o-1 e-23 e16 e-9999
NE,-41,-21,NEm-41hdg-21:e19 e33 o-1 e1 e30 e12
NE,-9,-21,NEm-9hdg-21:e15 e6 e-23 o-9999 e40 e-18
NE,-5,-21,NEm-5hdg-21:e15 e6 e-23 o9999 o3 e-22
NE,-3,-21,NEm-3hdg-21:e35 e0 e21 e-18 e4 e40
NE,8,-21,NEm8hdg-21:e35 e0 e21 e-24 e40 e-3
NE,-23,-20,NEm-23hdg-20:e5 e-30 o36 e-1 e-31 o-19
NE,-15,-20,NEm-15hdg-20:e5 e-30 o36 e-1 e-39 e-14
NE,-6,-20,NEm-6hdg-20:e9999 e54 e26 e-5 e77 e-14
NE,-3,-20,NEm-3hdg-20:e9999 e54 e26 e-5 e76 e-74
NE,-2,-20,NEm-2hdg-20:e9999 e54 e26 e-5 o37 e25
NE,0,-20,NEm0hdg-20:e9999 e54 e26 e-5 o-43 o11
NE,2,-20,NEm2hdg-20:e9999 e54 e26 e-9999 e-9999 e-9999
NE,9,-20,NEm9hdg-20:e9999 e54 e26 e-5 o-71 o-33
NE,-36,-19,NEm-36hdg-19:e15 e-16 o22 e-10 e-5 e27
NE,-35,-19,NEm-35hdg-19:e15 e-16 o22 e-10 o0 o-2
NE,-33,-19,NEm-33hdg-19:e9999 e54 o7 e28 e80 e-58
NE,-22,-19,NEm-22hdg-19:e15 e-16 e75 e-9999 e26
NE,-7,-19,NEm-7hdg-19:e15 e-16 o22 e15 e-5 e26
NE,-5,-19,NEm-5hdg-19:e15 e-16 o22 e15 e-1 e26
NE,2,-19,NEm2hdg-19:e9999 e54 o7 e-9999 e37 e80
NE,-34,-17,NEm-34hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e-27 e-62 e-59
NE,-26,-17,NEm-26hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e39 e-65 e-72
NE,-24,-17,NEm-24hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e71 e-27 e18
NE,-19,-17,NEm-19hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e-32 e-76 e45
NE,-18,-17,NEm-18hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e41 o34 e-9999
NE,-16,-17,NEm-16hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e31 o58
NE,-15,-17,NEm-15hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e31 o25 e-18
NE,-11,-17,NEm-11hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e15 e17 e39
NE,-4,-17,NEm-4hdg-17:e39 e-15 e4 e-9999 e-16 e24
NE,8,-17,NEm8hdg-17:e9999 e-2 e-1 e30 e27 o-78
NE,-28,-16,NEm-28hdg-16:e24 e12 e-7 e-22 o34 e40
NE,-12,-16,NEm-12hdg-16:e5 e-36 e40 e-6 e-40 e-9999
NE,3,-16,NEm3hdg-16:e19 e12 e3 e9999 o2 e9999
NE,5,-16,NEm5hdg-16:e19 e12 e3 e39 o10
NE,10,-16,NEm10hdg-16:e19 e12 e3 e39 e0 e-4
NE,12,-16,NEm12hdg-16:e19 e12 e3 e39 o16 e18
NE,13,-16,NEm13hdg-16:e19 e12 e3 e39 e0 e-9999
NE,20,-16,NEm20hdg-16:e19 e12 e3 e39 e0 e12
NE,-38,-15,NEm-38hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 o56 e-25
NE,-35,-15,NEm-35hdg-15:e35 e40 o-19 o41 e-10 e22
NE,-33,-15,NEm-33hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 e55
NE,-31,-15,NEm-31hdg-15:e33 e31 e9 o-14 o39 e-58
NE,-30,-15,NEm-30hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 e-5
NE,-29,-15,NEm-29hdg-15:e11 e31 e1 o9999 e1 o38
NE,-26,-15,NEm-26hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 e13 e9999
NE,-25,-15,NEm-25hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 o13
NE,-24,-15,NEm-24hdg-15:e33 e31 o26 o16 e-9999 e-62
NE,-23,-15,NEm-23hdg-15:e33 e31 e27 o32 e-24 o43
NE,-22,-15,NEm-22hdg-15:e33 e31 e12 e80 e6 o-53
NE,-20,-15,NEm-20hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 e18 e80
NE,-19,-15,NEm-19hdg-15:e33 e31 e12 e9999 o26 e26
NE,-18,-15,NEm-18hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 o15 e-8
NE,-17,-15,NEm-17hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 o47 e18 e-9999
NE,-15,-15,NEm-15hdg-15:e11 e31 e13 e-33 e18 e-32
NE,-14,-15,NEm-14hdg-15:e33 e31 e36 e57 e80 e-1
NE,-11,-15,NEm-11hdg-15:e33 e31 e9999 e9999 e43 e41
NE,-10,-15,NEm-10hdg-15:e11 e31 e1 o9999 e5 o17
NE,-6,-15,NEm-6hdg-15:e33 e31 e12 e80 e49 e-8
NE,-5,-15,NEm-5hdg-15:e11 e31 e31 e8 e32 e8
NE,-2,-15,NEm-2hdg-15:e11 e31 e11 e27 e-37 o3
NE,-1,-15,NEm-1hdg-15:e33 e31 e9999 e9999 o18 e-58
NE,0,-15,NEm0hdg-15:e33 e31 e12 o24 e40 o29
NE,1,-15,NEm1hdg-15:e33 e31 o1 o15 e50 e-37
NE,2,-15,NEm2hdg-15:e33 e31 e3 e16 e-76 e12
NE,-25,-14,NEm-25hdg-14:e-9 e12 e28 e-10 e39 e-9
NE,8,-14,NEm8hdg-14:e-9 e12 e28 e-5 o20 e-8
NE,-27,-13,NEm-27hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e15 e79 o-58
NE,-17,-13,NEm-17hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e4 e34 e57
NE,-12,-13,NEm-12hdg-13:e26 e-33 e23 e34 e15 e27
NE,-8,-13,NEm-8hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e-76 o0 o58
NE,-3,-13,NEm-3hdg-13:e26 e-33 e23 e29 e40 e-18
NE,-1,-13,NEm-1hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e9 e3 e80
NE,1,-13,NEm1hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e9 e80 e80
NE,2,-13,NEm2hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e9 e3 e9999
NE,4,-13,NEm4hdg-13:e33 e77 e37 e9 e9999 e80
NE,6,-13,NEm6hdg-13:e35 o-3 o18 o-22 e-48
NE,-30,-12,NEm-30hdg-12:e15 e-24 e34 e3 e-22 e9999
NE,-16,-12,NEm-16hdg-12:e15 e-24 e34 e9999 e5 e-28
NE,-12,-12,NEm-12hdg-12:e15 e-57 e26 e-9999 e-19
NE,-10,-12,NEm-10hdg-12:e15 e-57 e26 e-9999 e-7
NE,-9,-12,NEm-9hdg-12:e15 e-57 e26 e-9999 e-9999
NE,-7,-12,NEm-7hdg-12:e15 e-57 e26 e-9999 e31
NE,0,-12,NEm0hdg-12:e15 e-57 e26 e-9999 e26
NE,3,-12,NEm3hdg-12:e35 e79 e46 e-10
NE,5,-12,NEm5hdg-12:e35 e79 e46 o64 e9999 e7
NE,6,-12,NEm6hdg-12:e35 e79 e46 o64 e9999 e9999
NE,8,-12,NEm8hdg-12:e35 e79 e46 o64 e9999 e-31
NE,15,-12,NEm15hdg-12:e35 e79 e46 o64 e9999 e-26
NE,-33,-11,NEm-33hdg-11:e29 e-25 e27 e25 o-39 o-8
NE,-8,-11,NEm-8hdg-11:e26 e-12 o-7 e22 e-3
NE,-2,-11,NEm-2hdg-11:e5 e-30 o4 e-34 e-57
NE,12,-11,NEm12hdg-11:e5 e-30 o4 e-29 e9999 e18
NE,-40,-10,NEm-40hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-39 e16 e10 e-22
NE,-36,-10,NEm-36hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-2 e40 e-27 e-16
NE,-33,-10,NEm-33hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-2 e40 e-28 e9999
NE,-32,-10,NEm-32hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-2 e40 e-25
NE,-28,-10,NEm-28hdg-10:e29 o-14 o1 o9999 e1 e-24
NE,-24,-10,NEm-24hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-39 e17 o3 e-11
NE,-20,-10,NEm-20hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-9999 e-9999 o13 e25
NE,-19,-10,NEm-19hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-39 e2 e-22 e15
NE,-17,-10,NEm-17hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-39 e11 e-5 e26
NE,-16,-10,NEm-16hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-9999 e-9999 o13 e12
NE,-15,-10,NEm-15hdg-10:e29 o-14 o1 e-25 e-31 e15
NE,-13,-10,NEm-13hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-9999 e-9999 o13 e-9999
NE,-10,-10,NEm-10hdg-10:e29 o-14 o1 e-25 e21 e0
NE,-9,-10,NEm-9hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-7 e12 e18 e8
NE,-6,-10,NEm-6hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-50 o-12 e-9999
NE,-5,-10,NEm-5hdg-10:e29 o-14 o1 o-24 e19 e16
NE,-4,-10,NEm-4hdg-10:e29 o-14 e-18 e-28 e40
NE,-3,-10,NEm-3hdg-10:e29 o-14 o1 o-24 e12 e-9999
NE,-2,-10,NEm-2hdg-10:e29 o-14 o-7 e-19 o-29 e-33
NE,0,-10,NEm0hdg-10:e15 e10 e39 e-38 e39 e18
NE,3,-10,NEm3hdg-10:e15 e10 e39 e-38 e39 e38
NE,12,-10,NEm12hdg-10:e5 e-32 e15 e-29 e9999 e18
NE,-30,-7,NEm-30hdg-7:e15 e-9 e9999 e10 e-7 e-8
NE,-29,-7,NEm-29hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-9999 e-2 e32 e40
NE,-28,-7,NEm-28hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-16 e-4 e-74 e-56
NE,-24,-7,NEm-24hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-9999 e7 o34 e40
NE,-22,-7,NEm-22hdg-7:e35 e-39 o-2 o46 e35 e-9999
NE,-21,-7,NEm-21hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-15 e10 o12 e8
NE,-20,-7,NEm-20hdg-7:e19 e53 e15 o65 e12
NE,-19,-7,NEm-19hdg-7:e24 e13 e-13 o-26 e-27 e-15
NE,-17,-7,NEm-17hdg-7:e35 e-39 e7 e40 e2 e-26
NE,-16,-7,NEm-16hdg-7:e35 e-39 o-2 o46 e20
NE,-15,-7,NEm-15hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-9999 e4 e-62 e-6
NE,-14,-7,NEm-14hdg-7:e15 e-9 e9999 e9999 e-11 e-13
NE,-13,-7,NEm-13hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-16 e-4 e9999 e-12
NE,-12,-7,NEm-12hdg-7:e35 e-39 e4 e-65 o0 e-47
NE,-11,-7,NEm-11hdg-7:e19 e53 e15 o65 e14
NE,-10,-7,NEm-10hdg-7:e35 e-39 e4 o-6 e20 e58
NE,-9,-7,NEm-9hdg-7:e35 o-38 e-11 e66 e63 e-45
NE,-8,-7,NEm-8hdg-7:e35 e-45 e7 o-17 o-18 e-8
NE,-7,-7,NEm-7hdg-7:e19 e53 o17 o41 o-58
NE,-6,-7,NEm-6hdg-7:e35 e-39 e-16 e-5 e73 e-2
NE,-5,-7,NEm-5hdg-7:e35 e-39 e11 e39 e-5 e26
NE,-3,-7,NEm-3hdg-7:e35 e-39 e11 e39 e-1 e26
NE,-1,-7,NEm-1hdg-7:e35 e-39 e0 e-17 o5 e-16
NE,0,-7,NEm0hdg-7:e19 e53 o17 o12
NE,1,-7,NEm1hdg-7:e35 e-39 e0 o-30 e4 e40
NE,3,-7,NEm3hdg-7:e35 o-48 e9999 e9999
NE,5,-7,NEm5hdg-7:e19 e53 e15 e-9999 o57
NE,7,-7,NEm7hdg-7:e35 o-48 e9999 e8 e-18
NE,9,-7,NEm9hdg-7:e19 e53 o17 o14
NE,12,-7,NEm12hdg-7:e35 e-39 e8 e-22 e-59 e-74
NE,13,-7,NEm13hdg-7:e35 o-48 e9999 e0 o-36 e-6
NE,19,-7,NEm19hdg-7:e35 o-38 e10 e2 e64 o9
NE,-6,-6,NEm-6hdg-6:e5 e-11 e15 e-19 e-26 e40
NE,4,-6,NEm4hdg-6:e5 e-11 e15 e-19 e9999 e-8
NE,7,-6,NEm7hdg-6:e5 e-11 e15 e-19 o41 e8
NE,8,-6,NEm8hdg-6:e5 e-11 e15 e-19 o-13 o4
NE,4,-5,NEm4hdg-5:e19 o29 o67 e27 e-9999
NE,10,-5,NEm10hdg-5:e19 o29 o67 e32 e-8
NE,-57,-4,NEm-57hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o81 e60 e-15
NE,-54,-4,NEm-54hdg-4:e33 e70 e-55 e25 o-9999 e58
NE,-47,-4,NEm-47hdg-4:e33 e70 o-56 e23 o-65 e60
NE,-43,-4,NEm-43hdg-4:e33 e70 e-55 e25 e18 e-15
NE,-41,-4,NEm-41hdg-4:e33 e70 o-62 o5 e36 o9999
NE,-39,-4,NEm-39hdg-4:e33 e70 o-48 o81 e26 e-63
NE,-38,-4,NEm-38hdg-4:e33 e70 o-62 o5 e56 o-6
NE,-36,-4,NEm-36hdg-4:e33 e70 e-55 o74 e17 o76
NE,-33,-4,NEm-33hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 e9
NE,-31,-4,NEm-31hdg-4:e33 e70 o-48 o59 o70 e-27
NE,-28,-4,NEm-28hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o9999 o-22 e58
NE,-27,-4,NEm-27hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o54 o-9999 o18
NE,-26,-4,NEm-26hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o54 o-9999 e26
NE,-25,-4,NEm-25hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o9999 e79 e4
NE,-23,-4,NEm-23hdg-4:e24 e24 e9 e-9999 e-5 e26
NE,-22,-4,NEm-22hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o53 e45 o10
NE,-21,-4,NEm-21hdg-4:e24 e24 e9 e-9999 e-1 e26
NE,-19,-4,NEm-19hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o9999 o2 o-17
NE,-18,-4,NEm-18hdg-4:e33 e70 o-62 o2 e-18 o-41
NE,-17,-4,NEm-17hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o54 e-9999 e-19
NE,-16,-4,NEm-16hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o9999 e-9999 o34
NE,-15,-4,NEm-15hdg-4:e33 e70 o-62 o2 e36 e80
NE,-13,-4,NEm-13hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o9999 e-2 e-9
NE,-12,-4,NEm-12hdg-4:e33 e70 o-56 e23 o81 e80
NE,-9,-4,NEm-9hdg-4:e33 e70 e-47 o9999 o45 e16
NE,-17,-3,NEm-17hdg-3:e10 e33 o-36 e9999 e9999 e-1
NE,-8,-3,NEm-8hdg-3:e35 e-9999 o29 e9999 e22 e-3
NE,-7,-3,NEm-7hdg-3:e29 o-9999 o-19 e38 e53
NE,4,-3,NEm4hdg-3:e35 e-9999 o29 e-9999 e-1 e-45
NE,-10,-2,NEm-10hdg-2:e5 e-32 o-24 e9 o-13 e-15
NE,-4,-2,NEm-4hdg-2:e5 e-32 o-24 e9 e48
NE,-20,-1,NEm-20hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o-9999 e11 e34
NE,-16,-1,NEm-16hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 e13 e-26 e-9999
NE,-14,-1,NEm-14hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 e6 e-5 e-9999
NE,-12,-1,NEm-12hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o13 o41 e-13
NE,-10,-1,NEm-10hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o13 o41 e-3
NE,-8,-1,NEm-8hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o9999 o2 e40
NE,-5,-1,NEm-5hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o13 o40 e8
NE,-4,-1,NEm-4hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 e39 e6 e-27
NE,0,-1,NEm0hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 e9999 e-4 e-9
NE,1,-1,NEm1hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o-7 e-17 e5
NE,3,-1,NEm3hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 e9999 e-4 e9999
NE,4,-1,NEm4hdg-1:e1 e31 o8 o-9999 e9 e18
NE,-5,0,NEm-5hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e40 e38 e-7
NE,-1,0,NEm-1hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e8
NE,1,0,NEm1hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e9
NE,2,0,NEm2hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e40 e25 e9
NE,3,0,NEm3hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e40
NE,6,0,NEm6hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e-9999 e40 e9999
NE,12,0,NEm12hdg0:e1 e28 e34 e3 e-7 e29
NE,-5,2,NEm-5hdg2:e35 o-3 o61 e9999 e19 o-58
NE,-10,3,NEm-10hdg3:e24 e35 o16 o-51 e55
NE,-2,5,NEm-2hdg5:e1 e68 e9999 e10 e-22
NE,-50,8,NEm-50hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e34 o-9999 o1
NE,-44,8,NEm-44hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e39 e5 e-25
NE,-42,8,NEm-42hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e39 e1 e-25
NE,-40,8,NEm-40hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e20 o-9999 e-8
NE,-36,8,NEm-36hdg8:e26 e32 e30 o9999 e5 e-25
NE,-35,8,NEm-35hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e16 o6 e40
NE,-34,8,NEm-34hdg8:e26 e32 e30 o9999 e1 e-25
NE,-32,8,NEm-32hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e16 o6 e9999
NE,-31,8,NEm-31hdg8:e26 e32 e30 e28 e30 e9999
NE,-2,10,NEm-2hdg10:e1 e39 e12 e9999 e10 e-22
SW,-3,-42,SWm-3hdg-42:e9999 e12 e-1 e-5 e34 e39
SW,3,-42,SWm3hdg-42:e9999 e12 e-1 e-33 o-14 e-58
SW,6,-42,SWm6hdg-42:e9999 e12 e-1 e-15 e7 e40
SW,-14,-36,SWm-14hdg-36:e33 e4 o26 e2 o-37 o58
SW,-12,-36,SWm-12hdg-36:e33 e4 o26 e-14 o-17 e-66
SW,-59,-34,SWm-59hdg-34:e9999 e44 e42 e17 e79 o-58
SW,-40,-34,SWm-40hdg-34:e9999 e44 e42 e6 e80 e-8
SW,-38,-34,SWm-38hdg-34:e9999 e44 e42 e-1 e80 e-8
SW,-30,-34,SWm-30hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 e16 e38 e34
SW,-28,-34,SWm-28hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 o48 o33 o26
SW,-25,-34,SWm-25hdg-34:e9999 e44 e17 e-18 e4 e41
SW,-19,-34,SWm-19hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 e38 e13 e-4
SW,-11,-34,SWm-11hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 e40 o9999 e8
SW,-9,-34,SWm-9hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 e32 e26 o52
SW,-3,-34,SWm-3hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 e9999 o10 e8
SW,4,-34,SWm4hdg-34:e9999 e44 e26 o12 e13 o-16
SW,-44,-33,SWm-44hdg-33:e19 e33 e47 e27 e-9999
SW,-38,-33,SWm-38hdg-33:e19 e33 e47 e32 e-8
SW,0,-31,SWm0hdg-31:e19 e4 e0 e12 e9999 o12
SW,5,-31,SWm5hdg-31:e19 e4 e0 e12 e39 o10
SW,9,-31,SWm9hdg-31:e19 e4 e0 e12 e9999 o14
SW,-33,-30,SWm-33hdg-30:e30 o13 e-26 e-35 e-27 e-15
SW,-9,-30,SWm-9hdg-30:e30 o13 e-26 e-29 e-9999 e1
SW,-36,-29,SWm-36hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e53 o9999 e65
SW,-28,-29,SWm-28hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e42 e6
SW,-27,-29,SWm-27hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e26 e-18 e8
SW,-22,-29,SWm-22hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e33 e-42 e-2
SW,-18,-29,SWm-18hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e-8 e-64 e-8
SW,-17,-29,SWm-17hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e-8 e40 e-18
SW,-12,-29,SWm-12hdg-29:e33 o32 e-8 e42 e-34 e80
SW,0,-28,SWm0hdg-28:e32 e58 e-5 e8 e21 e80
SW,-36,-27,SWm-36hdg-27:e19 o33 e-29 e16 e10 e-22
SW,-30,-27,SWm-30hdg-27:e9999 e26 e9 e40 e5 e-7
SW,-28,-27,SWm-28hdg-27:e19 o33 e-62 o-15 e-45
SW,-24,-27,SWm-24hdg-27:e19 o33 e-62 e-9999 e77
SW,-23,-27,SWm-23hdg-27:e19 o33 e-44 e2 o-58
SW,-20,-27,SWm-20hdg-27:e19 o33 e-29 e17 o3 e-11
SW,-19,-27,SWm-19hdg-27:e19 o33 e-54 e-10 e22
SW,-18,-27,SWm-18hdg-27:e19 o33 e-44 o-21 e5
SW,-17,-27,SWm-17hdg-27:e26 e36 e-46 e-14 o26
SW,-16,-27,SWm-16hdg-27:e19 o33 e-44 o-63 e-8
SW,-14,-27,SWm-14hdg-27:e19 o33 e-29 e5 e-27 e-16
SW,-13,-27,SWm-13hdg-27:e19 o33 e-62 o9999 o25
SW,-12,-27,SWm-12hdg-27:e19 o33 e-44 o-53 e1
SW,-11,-27,SWm-11hdg-27:e19 o33 e-29 e11 e-1 e26
SW,-9,-27,SWm-9hdg-27:e19 o33 e-29 e1 e-28 e9999
SW,-7,-27,SWm-7hdg-27:e19 o33 e-33 e-10 e7 e8
SW,-6,-27,SWm-6hdg-27:e19 o33 e-38 o41 o14
SW,-5,-27,SWm-5hdg-27:e19 o33 e-62 e-13
SW,-4,-27,SWm-4hdg-27:e19 o33 e-47 e-30 o69
SW,0,-27,SWm0hdg-27:e19 o33 e-27 e9999 e1 e-25
SW,1,-27,SWm1hdg-27:e19 o33 e-38 o9999 e-9 e2
SW,2,-27,SWm2hdg-27:e9999 e26 e9 o56 e-25 o-14
SW,4,-27,SWm4hdg-27:e9999 e26 e9 o56 e-1 o13
SW,5,-27,SWm5hdg-27:e19 o33 e-61 e-29 e-49
SW,6,-27,SWm6hdg-27:e19 o33 e-34 e-9999 o38 e1
SW,8,-27,SWm8hdg-27:e19 o33 e-38 o-9999 e-9999 o-36
SW,9,-27,SWm9hdg-27:e19 o33 e-33 e-9999 e11 e40
SW,10,-27,SWm10hdg-27:e19 o33 e-34 e2 o9999 e24
SW,14,-27,SWm14hdg-27:e19 o33 e-38 o-9999 e40 e-8
SW,15,-27,SWm15hdg-27:e19 o33 e-38 e9999 e-35 e-4
SW,-16,-26,SWm-16hdg-26:e19 e6 e32 e0 e67
SW,-5,-26,SWm-5hdg-26:e19 e6 e32 e40 e-25 e-25
SW,-2,-26,SWm-2hdg-26:e30 e12 e40 e-11 e-33 e-16
SW,-1,-26,SWm-1hdg-26:e19 e6 e32 e40 e-25 e40
SW,2,-26,SWm2hdg-26:e19 e6 e32 e40 e-25 e9999
SW,-2,-25,SWm-2hdg-25:e29 e15 o-29 o-33 o-26 e35
SW,1,-25,SWm1hdg-25:e29 e15 o-29 e9999 o-9 e40
SW,4,-25,SWm4hdg-25:e29 e15 o-29 e9999 o-9 e9999
SW,-12,-23,SWm-12hdg-23:e26 e-33 e19 e34 e15 e27
SW,-3,-23,SWm-3hdg-23:e26 e-33 e19 e29 e40 e-18
SW,-37,-22,SWm-37hdg-22:e26 e-26 e7 e79 o-58
SW,-36,-22,SWm-36hdg-22:e26 e-26 e7 e39 e-25 e18
SW,-35,-22,SWm-35hdg-22:e26 e-26 e7 e39 e-33 e-1
SW,-34,-22,SWm-34hdg-22:e26 e-26 e7 e39 e-33 e15
SW,-26,-22,SWm-26hdg-22:e26 e-26 e7 o-9999 o-18 e40
SW,-25,-22,SWm-25hdg-22:e33 o-9999 e22 e-40 e19 e-43
SW,-24,-22,SWm-24hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e-17 e11 e34
SW,-19,-22,SWm-19hdg-22:e39 e-3 e39 o-75 e76 e30
SW,-15,-22,SWm-15hdg-22:e33 o-9999 e22 e-31 o0 e-24
SW,-14,-22,SWm-14hdg-22:e33 o-9999 e22 e-40 e36 e39
SW,-13,-22,SWm-13hdg-22:e15 e6 e9999 e9999 e-5 e26
SW,-12,-22,SWm-12hdg-22:e15 e6 e9999 e-5 o9999 e9999
SW,-10,-22,SWm-10hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e-7 e22 e34
SW,-9,-22,SWm-9hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e2 o-22 e15
SW,-8,-22,SWm-8hdg-22:e15 e6 e9999 e-3 e33 e1
SW,-7,-22,SWm-7hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e-5 e6 e-1
SW,-5,-22,SWm-5hdg-22:e39 e-3 e39 e34 e-17 e42
SW,-4,-22,SWm-4hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e31 e-26 e-9999
SW,-3,-22,SWm-3hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e14 e-9999 o-9
SW,0,-22,SWm0hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e-17 e9 e18
SW,2,-22,SWm2hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e-5 e-31 e40
SW,3,-22,SWm3hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e29 e9999 e8
SW,7,-22,SWm7hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e15 e-31 e8
SW,10,-22,SWm10hdg-22:e15 e10 e-8 e-29 o35 e-3
SW,-42,-21,SWm-42hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o9 e50 e10 e-22
SW,-34,-21,SWm-34hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-9999 e-6 e45
SW,-31,-21,SWm-31hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-9999 e20 e-58
SW,-29,-21,SWm-29hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o9 e64 e20 e-22
SW,-27,-21,SWm-27hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o9 e34 o2 o-58
SW,-19,-21,SWm-19hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-8 e16 e8
SW,-18,-21,SWm-18hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 o-9 e39 e40
SW,-16,-21,SWm-16hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o40 e-19
SW,-14,-21,SWm-14hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o-9999 o-7
SW,-13,-21,SWm-13hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o40 e-9999
SW,-9,-21,SWm-9hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-17 o-9999 e10
SW,-6,-21,SWm-6hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 o3 e-3 e40
SW,-4,-21,SWm-4hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 e-6 o40 e26
SW,-3,-21,SWm-3hdg-21:e35 e-9999 o11 o-9 e39 o33
SW,-37,-20,SWm-37hdg-20:e19 e33 e56 e-6 o-35
SW,-23,-20,SWm-23hdg-20:e19 e33 e56 e2 e9999
SW,-22,-20,SWm-22hdg-20:e36 e23 e-37 e9 e8 e-8
SW,-17,-20,SWm-17hdg-20:e19 e33 e56 e-6 e-25
SW,-13,-20,SWm-13hdg-20:e10 e23 e-37 e1 e13 e-29
SW,-7,-20,SWm-7hdg-20:e36 e23 e-37 e9999 e0 e-22
SW,0,-20,SWm0hdg-20:e9999 e1 e36 e-9999 o-5 e64
SW,-8,-19,SWm-8hdg-19:e5 e-38 o-44 e-5 o16
SW,-2,-19,SWm-2hdg-19:e5 e-38 e7 e-34 e-57
SW,6,-19,SWm6hdg-19:e26 e-13 e45 o-9999 e7
SW,12,-19,SWm12hdg-19:e5 e-38 e7 e-29 e9999 e18
SW,-19,-16,SWm-19hdg-16:e35 o-8 o-17 e22 e-42 e-6
SW,-18,-16,SWm-18hdg-16:e15 e-22 e-24 e5 e13 e31
SW,-6,-16,SWm-6hdg-16:e15 e-22 e-24 e-15 e39 e-8
SW,-5,-16,SWm-5hdg-16:e15 e-22 e-24 e-38 e-20 e8
SW,-4,-16,SWm-4hdg-16:e15 e-22 e-24 e-21 e-8 e34
SW,-3,-16,SWm-3hdg-16:e15 e-22 e-24 e-15 e-9999 e8
SW,-9,-15,SWm-9hdg-15:e24 e24 o36 e-19 e-26 e17
SW,-6,-15,SWm-6hdg-15:e24 e24 o36 o-18 e4 e9999
SW,-5,-15,SWm-5hdg-15:e24 e24 o36 o-24 e-34 e9999
SW,-2,-15,SWm-2hdg-15:e32 e24 o0 e3 e39 e-8
SW,2,-15,SWm2hdg-15:e32 e24 o0 e-9999 e-9999 e40
SW,-32,-14,SWm-32hdg-14:e19 e32 o26 e16 e10 e-22
SW,-27,-14,SWm-27hdg-14:e80 e32 e2 e-2 o69 e-28
SW,-26,-14,SWm-26hdg-14:e19 e32 o41 o-7 e-40 o-10
SW,-25,-14,SWm-25hdg-14:e19 e32 o38 e-11 e-32 e-15
SW,-24,-14,SWm-24hdg-14:e19 e32 o9999 o-3 e-25 e-25
SW,-23,-14,SWm-23hdg-14:e-9 e22 e-37 e13 o13
SW,-22,-14,SWm-22hdg-14:e36 e32 e2 o9 e9999 e14
SW,-21,-14,SWm-21hdg-14:e36 e32 e-3 o8 e-32 e9999
SW,-20,-14,SWm-20hdg-14:e23 e33 e-23 e-1 e9999 e34
SW,-19,-14,SWm-19hdg-14:e19 e32 e-9999 o26 o-58
SW,-18,-14,SWm-18hdg-14:e-9 e22 e-37 e46 e-23
SW,-17,-14,SWm-17hdg-14:e36 e32 e2 e8 e-25 o2
SW,-16,-14,SWm-16hdg-14:e-9 e22 e-37 e47
SW,-15,-14,SWm-15hdg-14:e19 e32 o80 o24 e44
SW,-13,-14,SWm-13hdg-14:e19 e32 e-9999 e8 e32 e27
SW,-12,-14,SWm-12hdg-14:e36 e32 e3 o-9999 e-26 e40
SW,-11,-14,SWm-11hdg-14:e19 e32 e9 e-8 e26 e9999
SW,-10,-14,SWm-10hdg-14:e19 e32 e-9999 o50 e-20
SW,-9,-14,SWm-9hdg-14:e19 e32 o80 o28 e38
SW,-8,-14,SWm-8hdg-14:e19 e32 o33 e45 o58
SW,-5,-14,SWm-5hdg-14:e19 e32 e-9999 o62 e-18
SW,-4,-14,SWm-4hdg-14:e19 e32 o26 e1 e-25
SW,-3,-14,SWm-3hdg-14:e36 e32 e-5 e36 e9 e40
SW,-2,-14,SWm-2hdg-14:e36 e32 e3 e39 e-8
SW,-1,-14,SWm-1hdg-14:e19 e32 o80 o7
SW,0,-14,SWm0hdg-14:e36 e32 e3 o-9999 o-12
SW,1,-14,SWm1hdg-14:e-9 e22 e-37 e1 e8
SW,2,-14,SWm2hdg-14:e36 e32 e-9999 e-9999 e40
SW,3,-14,SWm3hdg-14:e19 e32 e9 e3 e40
SW,5,-14,SWm5hdg-14:e19 e32 o33 e9 e8
SW,6,-14,SWm6hdg-14:e19 e32 o-9999 e18 o9999 o-23
SW,11,-14,SWm11hdg-14:e10 e32 e40 o28 e12 e8
SW,12,-14,SWm12hdg-14:e19 e32 o25 o40 o-38 e-11
SW,13,-14,SWm13hdg-14:e19 e32 e-9999 o-6 o18 e9999
SW,14,-14,SWm14hdg-14:e19 e32 o-9999 e18 e28 e12
SW,15,-14,SWm15hdg-14:e19 e32 o-9999 o9 e18 e9999
SW,16,-14,SWm16hdg-14:e10 e32 e9999 o63 e-38
SW,17,-14,SWm17hdg-14:e19 e32 o25 o9999 o-5 o36
SW,-33,-13,SWm-33hdg-13:e15 e-16 e40 e7 e39 e-6
SW,-24,-13,SWm-24hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e-17 e11 e34
SW,-10,-13,SWm-10hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e-7 e22 e34
SW,-9,-13,SWm-9hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e2 o-22 e15
SW,-7,-13,SWm-7hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e-5 e6 e-1
SW,-4,-13,SWm-4hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e31 e-26 e-9999
SW,-3,-13,SWm-3hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e14 e-9999 o-9
SW,0,-13,SWm0hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e-17 e9 e18
SW,2,-13,SWm2hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e-5 e-31 e40
SW,3,-13,SWm3hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e29 e9999 e8
SW,7,-13,SWm7hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e15 e-31 e8
SW,10,-13,SWm10hdg-13:e15 e9999 e-1 e-29 o35 e-3
SW,-20,-12,SWm-20hdg-12:e23 e10 e-9999 e-1 e9999 e34
SW,-10,-12,SWm-10hdg-12:e23 e10 e-9999 e-2 e11 e5
SW,-6,-12,SWm-6hdg-12:e23 e10 e-9999 e-3 e-32 e-8
SW,-4,-12,SWm-4hdg-12:e32 e24 o7 e4 e-2 o-53
SW,-3,-12,SWm-3hdg-12:e23 e10 e-9999 e9 e33 e-18
SW,3,-12,SWm3hdg-12:e23 e10 e-9999 e9 e20 e-1
SW,-42,-11,SWm-42hdg-11:e11 e6 e24 e-4 e40 e-20
SW,-38,-11,SWm-38hdg-11:e11 e6 e-9999 e-4 e40 e-20
SW,-37,-11,SWm-37hdg-11:e11 e6 e24 e-4 e40 e-24
SW,-33,-11,SWm-33hdg-11:e11 e6 e-9999 e-4 e40 e-24
SW,-28,-11,SWm-28hdg-11:e11 e6 e1 e7 o34 e40
SW,-27,-11,SWm-27hdg-11:e11 e6 e24 e-35 e-20 o9
SW,-24,-11,SWm-24hdg-11:e11 e6 e-12 e5 e9999 e-25
SW,-22,-11,SWm-22hdg-11:e11 e6 e-12 e1 e9999 e-25
SW,-17,-11,SWm-17hdg-11:e33 e6 o35 o-1 e59 e36
SW,-15,-11,SWm-15hdg-11:e35 e-9999 o39 o-9999 e39 o23
SW,-7,-11,SWm-7hdg-11:e11 e6 e-9 e2 o15 e23
SW,-2,-11,SWm-2hdg-11:e33 e6 o81 e-7 e31 e-60
SW,2,-11,SWm2hdg-11:e33 e6 o38 e24 e-23 o41
SW,6,-11,SWm6hdg-11:e33 e6 o38 e38 e33 e1
SW,19,-11,SWm19hdg-11:e33 e6 o81 e9 o53 e-62
SW,-37,-10,SWm-37hdg-10:e15 e8 e-33 e-39 e-10 e22
SW,-23,-10,SWm-23hdg-10:e15 e9999 e5 e21 e-5 e26
SW,-22,-10,SWm-22hdg-10:e38 o40 o24 e9999 e5 e-25
SW,-21,-10,SWm-21hdg-10:e15 e9999 e5 e21 e-1 e26
SW,-20,-10,SWm-20hdg-10:e38 o40 o24 e9999 e1 e-25
SW,-18,-10,SWm-18hdg-10:e15 e9999 e5 e19 e9999 e1
SW,-16,-10,SWm-16hdg-10:e15 e8 e-33 e-18 e24 e7
SW,-12,-10,SWm-12hdg-10:e15 e8 e-33 e-25 e40 e-20
SW,-10,-10,SWm-10hdg-10:e15 e9999 e5 o9999 o9999 o0
SW,-9,-10,SWm-9hdg-10:e15 e8 e-33 e-25 e7 e-25
SW,-7,-10,SWm-7hdg-10:e15 e8 e-33 e-25 e40 e-24
SW,-22,-9,SWm-22hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 o9 e9999 e14
SW,-21,-9,SWm-21hdg-9:e32 e5 e-3 o8 e-32 e9999
SW,-19,-9,SWm-19hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e8 e-25 e8
SW,-17,-9,SWm-17hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e8 e-25 o2
SW,-16,-9,SWm-16hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e8 e-25 o-4
SW,-15,-9,SWm-15hdg-9:e32 e5 e-3 o8 e2 e-21
SW,-12,-9,SWm-12hdg-9:e32 e5 e3 o-9999 e-26 e40
SW,-11,-9,SWm-11hdg-9:e9999 e54 o46 e-9999 o63 o29
SW,-10,-9,SWm-10hdg-9:e35 e-9999 o53 e-24 e-9999 e58
SW,-9,-9,SWm-9hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e-6 e-9999 e-15
SW,-8,-9,SWm-8hdg-9:e32 e5 e-3 o8 e2 e-20
SW,-7,-9,SWm-7hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e-2 e-39 e-1
SW,-6,-9,SWm-6hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e-2 o21 e-4
SW,-5,-9,SWm-5hdg-9:e32 e5 e-3 o8 e35 e9999
SW,-4,-9,SWm-4hdg-9:e9999 e54 o46 o-9999 e-22 e13
SW,-3,-9,SWm-3hdg-9:e32 e5 e-5 e36 e9 e40
SW,-2,-9,SWm-2hdg-9:e32 e5 e3 e39 e-8
SW,-1,-9,SWm-1hdg-9:e32 e5 e-9999 e-9999 e-9999 e40
SW,1,-9,SWm1hdg-9:e35 e-9999 o49 e-1
SW,2,-9,SWm2hdg-9:e32 e5 e-9999 e-9999 e40
SW,3,-9,SWm3hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 e8 o-1 e36
SW,4,-9,SWm4hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 o5 e7 e12
SW,6,-9,SWm6hdg-9:e35 e-9999 o53 e-38 o-31 e63
SW,7,-9,SWm7hdg-9:e32 e5 e2 o5 e7 e-9999
SW,8,-9,SWm8hdg-9:e32 e5 e-3 o1 e23 e8
SW,10,-9,SWm10hdg-9:e32 e5 e-3 e16 e-29 o-15
SW,-23,-7,SWm-23hdg-7:e19 e26 o21 o41 e40 e4
SW,-20,-7,SWm-20hdg-7:e19 e26 o21 o41 e40 e40
SW,-13,-4,SWm-13hdg-4:e15 e2 e32 e-9999 e-58
SW,-12,-4,SWm-12hdg-4:e15 e2 e32 e-9999 o-25 e18
SW,-11,-4,SWm-11hdg-4:e15 e2 e32 e-9999 o-33 e-1
SW,-10,-4,SWm-10hdg-4:e15 e2 e32 e-9999 o-33 e15
SW,-2,-4,SWm-2hdg-4:e15 e2 e32 e-9999 e-18 e-9999
SW,-20,-3,SWm-20hdg-3:e15 e9999 e7 e20 e40 o1
SW,-2,-3,SWm-2hdg-3:e5 e-50 e-51 e-34 e-57
SW,10,-3,SWm10hdg-3:e5 e-50 o-46 e-4 e-53
SW,-21,-2,SWm-21hdg-2:e9999 e26 e78 o-4 e-3 o4
SW,-2,-2,SWm-2hdg-2:e9999 e26 e78 e-10 e20 e-62
SW,0,-2,SWm0hdg-2:e9999 e26 e78 e-3 e-20 e34
SW,3,-2,SWm3hdg-2:e9999 e26 e78 e-5 e28 o-58
SW,4,-2,SWm4hdg-2:e9999 e26 e78 o-33 o81 o49
SW,11,-2,SWm11hdg-2:e9999 e26 e78 e-3 e18 e-3
SW,-1,-1,SWm-1hdg-1:e15 e-24 e7 o20 o41 e8
SW,-16,2,SWm-16hdg2:e32 e52 e9999 e9999 o34 o58
SW,-11,2,SWm-11hdg2:e29 e-8 o-71 e34 e57
SW,-5,2,SWm-5hdg2:e32 e52 e9999 e9999 o51 e-18
SW,-3,2,SWm-3hdg2:e32 e52 e9999 e80 o-21 e-1
SW,-1,2,SWm-1hdg2:e32 e52 e9999 e80 e-3 e12
SW,-39,4,SWm-39hdg4:e35 o14 e70 e46 e-5
SW,-37,4,SWm-37hdg4:e5 e-64 e20 e80 e5
SW,-28,4,SWm-28hdg4:e15 e-16 e-5 e-27 e32 o-20
SW,-23,4,SWm-23hdg4:e5 e-64 e20 o80 e80
SW,-22,4,SWm-22hdg4:e5 e-64 e1 o78 e23
SW,-21,4,SWm-21hdg4:e5 e-64 e1 o-27 e8
SW,-20,4,SWm-20hdg4:e5 e-64 e20 e20
SW,-19,4,SWm-19hdg4:e24 e24 o16 o-6 e16 e-26
SW,-18,4,SWm-18hdg4:e24 e24 o16 o-29 e15 e1
SW,-16,4,SWm-16hdg4:e5 e-64 o46 o-7 e2
SW,-15,4,SWm-15hdg4:e5 e-64 e1 o-18 e-54
SW,-13,4,SWm-13hdg4:e35 o14 e70 e58 e43 e16
SW,-12,4,SWm-12hdg4:e5 e-64 e46
SW,-9,4,SWm-9hdg4:e5 e-64 o46 o-19 e9999
SW,-7,4,SWm-7hdg4:e5 e-64 o63 e0 e80
SW,-5,4,SWm-5hdg4:e5 e-64 o63 e23 e80
SW,-4,4,SWm-4hdg4:e15 e-16 e-5 e-35 e-2 e18
SW,-3,4,SWm-3hdg4:e5 e-64 e1 e-47 o6
SW,-2,4,SWm-2hdg4:e5 e-64 o63 e2
SW,0,4,SWm0hdg4:e5 e-64 o63 e1 e2
SW,5,4,SWm5hdg4:e5 e-64 o63 e23 e-11
SW,-36,5,SWm-36hdg5:e19 o26 e39 o-11 e21 e-24
SW,-16,5,SWm-16hdg5:e19 o26 e7 e-9 e-9999 e4
SW,-11,5,SWm-11hdg5:e1 e33 o-4 e-32 o32 e40
SW,-9,5,SWm-9hdg5:e1 e33 o-4 e-32 e-9999 e-39
SW,-8,5,SWm-8hdg5:e1 e33 o-4 e-32 o32 e9999
SW,-4,5,SWm-4hdg5:e19 o26 o-9 o9 e8 e-8
SW,-3,5,SWm-3hdg5:e19 o26 e9999 e-3 e-32 e2
SW,0,5,SWm0hdg5:e19 o26 e9999 e22 o1 e-8
SW,6,6,SWm6hdg6:e1 e32 e-33 e-19 e40 o12
SW,17,6,SWm17hdg6:e1 e32 e-33 e-5 e-6 e8
SW,27,6,SWm27hdg6:e1 e32 e-33 o1 o-9 o-16
SW,-11,7,SWm-11hdg7:e1 e32 e-7 e10 e24 e8
SW,-7,7,SWm-7hdg7:e1 e32 e-7 e10 e36 e-15
SW,4,7,SWm4hdg7:e1 e32 e-7 e10 e17 e-5
SW,16,7,SWm16hdg7:e1 e32 e-7 e8 e-8 e-31
SW,23,7,SWm23hdg7:e1 e32 e-7 e8 e-8 e-26
SW,24,7,SWm24hdg7:e1 e32 e-7 e-24 e5 e8
SW,-9,8,SWm-9hdg8:e5 e-45 e-53 o-36 e-18
SW,-31,10,SWm-31hdg10:e15 e-8 o19 e-9 e34 e12
SW,-31,11,SWm-31hdg11:e35 e0 e69 e-41 e44 o1
SW,-7,11,SWm-7hdg11:e35 e0 e73 e-19 e-26 e17
SW,-4,11,SWm-4hdg11:e35 e0 e73 o-18 e4 e9999
SW,-3,11,SWm-3hdg11:e35 e0 e73 o-24 e-34 e9999
SW,-1,11,SWm-1hdg11:e1 e28 e7 o22 e-34 e9999
SW,1,11,SWm1hdg11:e1 e28 e7 o40 e36 e-4
SW,4,11,SWm4hdg11:e35 e0 e73 o-24 e28 o-3
SW,6,11,SWm6hdg11:e1 e28 e7 o22 e28 o-3
SW,13,11,SWm13hdg11:e35 e0 e69 e-27 e28 o33
SW,16,16,SWm16hdg16:e19 o29 e25 e-8 e17 o-5
The original lists had quite a few more recipes; I've arbitrarily removed multiple recipes for the same elbow move and glider output combinations. These were usually cases where the timing on one pair of gliders didn't matter, so the search defaulted to "80" for one search and "40" for another (or "79" and "39", etc.) There were occasional impressive coincidences, though:

Code: Select all

#C NEm3hdg-24:e23 e33 e-19 e9 e20 e-1
#C NEm3hdg-24:e35 e-2 e55 e45 o-1 e9999
x = 1920, y = 956, rule = LifeHistory
Probably there are also a lot more plain elbow moves inside six cycles that could be found by adjusting the search code. But with so many different block-move options for most of the glider outputs, it's not clear that the gp-compiler will even need elbow moves very often, except for long-distance INC pushes. Just for example, for a glider fired on lane 27, the available elbow-move options are

chris_c wrote:EDIT2: Forget that pentadecathlon ugliness. Instead the initial elbow can be a hive. I searched for recipes to go from hive to true elbow and to leave a hive behind a true elbow...
What's the significance of the traffic-light construction on the far left? And while I'm at it, what's the advantage of a beehive as an initial elbow -- is it just that it's out of the way of one of the lanes? (Sorry, I seem to be shying away from hard thinking today.)

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 24th, 2014, 5:05 pm

dvgrn wrote:Just a quick progress report on the 10hd recipe front. After a few false starts, a fresh six-cycle search at width +/-40 completed correctly last night. I also got about a third of the way through a six-cycle search at MAX_DIFF +/-80, but at 90400 objects out of 296932 the system ran out of memory and started paging to the hard drive. I canceled the search because it was clearly never going to finish. Might try again sometime on a computer with more RAM, but it's not a high priority at the moment.
Yeah, I've noticed that memory usage is quite high myself. I haven't managed to kill my machine though yet. If I changed the output of the canonical() function from being a tuple of tuples of ints to some kind of string representation (maybe use the one in apgsearch?) then I'm sure that would help memory consumption. Like you say though, collecting more recipes doesn't look like a priority at the moment.
dvgrn wrote:What's the significance of the traffic-light construction on the far left? And while I'm at it, what's the advantage of a beehive as an initial elbow -- is it just that it's out of the way of one of the lanes? (Sorry, I seem to be shying away from hard thinking today.)
Sorry that one was quite obscure and could have done with some explanation. The idea was to create an eater with two gliders, destroy it with one glider and create a new hive as a target with two more gliders. Like this:

Code: Select all

x = 91, y = 152, rule = LifeHistory
The gliders in white are on the construction lanes. The other gliders can come from 3 guns (two of period N/2, one of period N). So the traffic light construction was just meant to be an optical hint that the hive was being produced in the correct location.

But.... there is one big hole in that particular idea. The cycle that destroys the B eater produces a singleton glider on the A lane and the hive is not able deal with that.

I have since come up with an alternative:

Code: Select all

x = 120, y = 201, rule = LifeHistory
The five gliders in green can be produced by 3 guns. They create and destroy the B eater, destroy the A eater and create the elbow. The 3 gliders in white are all on the construction lanes just for illustration. I think this is fairly close to being compatible with a Demonoid. Here is a short summary as I see it:

Code: Select all

Item           | Created by       | Destroyed by
First B eater  | Reboot mechanism | Reboot mechanism
First A eater  | First UC         | Reboot mechanism
First elbow    | Reboot mechanism | First UC
Other B eaters | Previous UC      | Boat reflected glider from A circuit
Other A eaters | Previous UC      | LWSS reflected glider from current UC
Other elbows   | Previous UC      | Current UC
One other issue is that the B eater in the reboot mechanism is killed by a single glider orthogonal to the construction lanes, whereas the B eater in the latest blueprint was killed by one orthogonal glider (the boat reflected one) and one further glider on the B lane. Therefore I searched for an alternative eater recipe and found one:

Code: Select all

x = 587, y = 592, rule = B3/S23
The snake can be destroyed by a single orthogonal glider when it has the boat-bit set as in the updated blueprint below. The elbow is now in a fixed location with respect to the A eater. The UC in green has to create everything in red, destroy everything in blue and will have to create a series of LWSS reflectors so that the equivalent of everything in blue (but translated by (220,220)) can be destroyed in two iterations time.

Code: Select all

x = 383, y = 396, rule = LifeHistory
The stray block on the left of the construction lanes can be cleaned up with a single reverse glider. That reverse glider should be easy to catch in the fixed Demnoid at the base of the gun. I'm getting more confident that this will work but there could still be some gremlins lurking.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 24th, 2014, 6:52 pm

chris_c wrote:The stray block on the left of the construction lanes can be cleaned up with a single reverse glider. That reverse glider should be easy to catch in the fixed Demnoid at the base of the gun. I'm getting more confident that this will work but there could still be some gremlins lurking.
I'm going to try doing a summary for my alternate plan for a Demonoid gun, in which there is no fixed Demonoid at the base of the gun. Seems to me it makes things a lot simpler.

I'll describe what happens at one of the UC sites (NW or SE) but really everything will happen the same at both sites. The only difference is that the NW UC will get the full recipe fed directly into its B circuit by a high-period loop gun, whereas the SE U.C. will get that same full recipe from the NW B circuit, starting the normal self-construction cycle.

Okay, here goes --

1) Create a single elbow block with a high-period Herschel factory, using let's say this mechanism:

Code: Select all

x = 74, y = 36, rule = LifeHistory
2) Using mostly the exact same recipe that the Demonoid will use, activate the new elbow to build a complete Demonoid U.C, including an A-blocker. "Mostly" means it's okay to add a few extra INC22hd operations at the beginning of the recipe, to move the elbow up into the construction zone and safely away from the Herschel circuitry.

3) The gliders on the two construction lanes come from two separate high-period loops, and at least one stream is dropped into place with an edge-shooter: Snarks can't bring two glider streams within 10hd of each other, and even with semi-Snarks you'd need a signal crossing which we'd rather avoid, and twice as many gliders which also seems unnecessary.

3) When the construction is done, a third high-period loop (with the same period) sends a complete set of recipe gliders -- A-stream followed by B-stream -- into the B circuit. The A construction gliders are all absorbed by the A-blocker. At this point the Demonoid is flying free, and will do whatever Demonoids do from here on.

4) This will include shooting down old U.C.s as soon as they go inactive, however that ends up working.

5) As soon as the destruction is safely complete (or even just a little bit before that!), the high-period loops can go ahead and build a new elbow block and set to work building the next copy of the spaceship.

Really we can probably do away with the Herschel factory that builds the elbow. As soon as we drop the idea that the gun has to have just one copy of the exact glider stream in the Demonoid, we can finish off the U.C. construction by pulling an elbow block exactly back to its starting position.

If we have to have just one copy of the exact recipe, I think that's still workable -- it's possible to include a couple of splitter circuits that are turned on and off by high-period guns, to extract just the A-stream and just the B-stream, and route those around and synch them up on the construction lanes. Then we'd just have to make sure that the Demonoid started with its elbow close to its A-inserter, so that the first part of the recipe pushes the elbow a safe distance away from the circuitry that creates it.

So... am I missing any gremlins here? Seems to me that the remaining unsolved details are all Demonoid details, not Demonoid-gun details. Once we have a working recipe, we can build the initial spaceship... and then we just have to stay out of the way for a while as it takes off.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 24th, 2014, 8:00 pm

dvgrn wrote: So... am I missing any gremlins here?
I don't think so. That does seem like a headache free way of going about things. One small quibble on terminology though: I think where you wrote A-blocker, you meant B-blocker. From the blueprint you made, the B-blockers sit on the B lane and stop the A gliders when they are not wanted.

So the static constructor guns would construct the Demonoid with a B-blocker but without an A-blocker. That is good because so far we have no proposal for building an A-blocker and making a new elbow in front of it. But not needing to build the A-blocker means we can keep the elbow alive and there is no need for the Herschel factory.

Now that we have a multitude of glider output recipes and a pretty good number of LWSS recipes I suppose the next task is to go back and make some firmer plans for the destruction method? (EDIT: or there is the gp-compiler as well I suppose).

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 24th, 2014, 9:37 pm

chris_c wrote:Now that we have a multitude of glider output recipes and a pretty good number of LWSS recipes I suppose the next task is to go back and make some firmer plans for the destruction method? (EDIT: or there is the gp-compiler as well I suppose).
That seems right. I have a "good-enough" gp-compiler for 10hd already, but it doesn't take advantage of your wide variety of elbow-killing glider outputs -- which I assume would become a much wider variety if we finished a depth-6 width-80 search for them.

The best use for these may be custom combinations, where we need a lane L, then one or more lanes a lot lower than L (i.e., DECwards), followed by another lane up near L again. Maybe it makes sense to run an exhaustive search for a reasonable number of operations starting with an elbow doubling and ending with an elbow killer -- just generate all the lane combinations that we can produce really efficiently, and put them in a dictionary. Then if the next N lanes happen to match something that's in the dictionary, we substitute in that recipe instead of the regular greedy algorithm.

For destruction, the method of LWSSes hitting prebuilt turners to make a slow shower of Destructo-Gliders seems reasonably compatible with this design. The first thing a new Demonoid will want to do is send out the LWSSes to shoot down its (nonexistent) predecessor, so we just need eaters for whatever that LWSS salvo is. Then it will build the LWSS-to-glider one-time turners that the U.C. after next will use to shoot down the next U.C. (A new Demonoid can't build its own LWSS-Destructo-Turners, because most of them are diagonally too far DECwards for the construction arm to reach).

So before or after building the initial U.C., we have to build the build the initial U.C.'s Destructo-Turners. Again it looks like this can be the same as the regular recipe, just coming from the higher-period loops.

Alternatively, we could use a 180-elbow plus second-slow-elbow plus self-destruct circuit. An elbow-killing slow recipe will be really cheap -- in fact we could just use a single boat, offset a safe distance from the construction lanes, and not need a trailing elbow at all. (Right?) Then the suppression for the first U.C.'s attempt to destroy its nonexistent predecessor could be a single fishhook eater. (Right?)

But that will require a self-destruct circuit triggered by a single glider from the northwest. I'll do a little more work on that this weekend, and see if I can get a good competition going...!

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 25th, 2014, 3:54 pm

dvgrn wrote:... that will require a self-destruct circuit triggered by a single glider from the northwest. I'll do a little more work on that this weekend, and see if I can get a good competition going...!
Here's a 1G seeded destruction for a variant of the current Demonoid U.C., with a score (population) of 438 -- still above the 31-glider cleanup, but not by much:

Code: Select all

x = 193, y = 184, rule = LifeHistory
My basic method this time was to find the initial glider strikes -- from any direction -- that seemed to have the most potential for cleaning up a large number of still lifes. Then I looked (with the Seeds of Destruction Game) for block and boat seed locations that left as little debris as possible, but allowed a glider or two to escape.

Then it was just a matter of hooking up output gliders to input gliders. I didn't really do this very efficiently, so there's definitely quite a lot of room for improvement here. It seems pretty clear that scores well under 400 are possible. The above cleanup has seriously suboptimal one-time turners -- eaters are used in several places where boats don't fit, and in a few cases a glider is reflected twice, where it would be better to have generated a different output glider that allows a single reflection.

The optimal solution may well be a single huge explosion catalyzed into vacuum by a small number of still lifes, with few or no gliders having to be expensively redirected. But those seem to be much harder to find, and might need some new search code.

I've been thinking about adding to the Seeds of Destruction Game some kind of Autosearch option: switch out of standard exploration mode and select a small (rectangular?) area, and maybe a larger "area of interest" as well. Run an exhaustive search for all possible placements of the standard seeds in that area, ordered by number of bits. Display the solution that ends with the smallest population in the "area of interest" -- output gliders count/don't count [delete whichever is inapplicable]. This is the most painful part of the current SODGame: often you're pretty sure there's a way to settle down an area with just one more object placement, but you have to manually cycle through all the possible seeds, and all the possible orientations of each -- it starts to be hard to remember what's already been tried, whereas the computer could do the entire small search in a few seconds, much more thoroughly.

Anyway, a little reworking of the above pattern produces an 8G seeding, population 401, which is the best score so far. I kind of prefer the single-glider cleanup, so maybe we should keep two separate scoreboards -- but meanwhile, here's a good target to beat:

Code: Select all

#C Demonoid U.C. plus 8 blocks, 7 boats, and 2 eaters,
#C   struck by 8 slow gliders from the northwest = complete cleanup.
#C Total population 401 cells.
x = 458, y = 481, rule = LifeHistory

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 25th, 2014, 8:00 pm

dvgrn wrote:Alternatively, we could use a 180-elbow plus second-slow-elbow plus self-destruct circuit. An elbow-killing slow recipe will be really cheap -- in fact we could just use a single boat, offset a safe distance from the construction lanes, and not need a trailing elbow at all. (Right?) Then the suppression for the first U.C.'s attempt to destroy its nonexistent predecessor could be a single fishhook eater. (Right?)
If a 180 degree glider hits a pre-manufactured turner then the turner that it hits first will always be the last one that was constructed. I think that restricts the SE gliders that can be produced in this way to something like the top 20 or 30fd of the old A circuit. If the trigger glider is needed further back along the pattern or if more than a small handful of gliders are needed in the destruction then I think the LWSS reflecting method is the way to go.
dvgrn wrote:Here's a 1G seeded destruction for a variant of the current Demonoid U.C., with a score (population) of 438.
Wow, I'm impressed! The idea of looking for reactions that destroy lots of still lifes but output a new glider to continue the reaction is very effective. I note that the two eater reflectors in your second pattern can be turned into boats and that will take the population down to 397.

I also worked on my search script by making the canonical function return a string. A quick test on a depth 3 search showed that the memory consumption of Golly increased from 41984k at startup to 47744k with the new script and from 42012k to 107548k with the old script. From this I totally unscientifically conclude that the memory usage has been reduced by about 10 times. The run time of both versions was pretty much the same, moreover the output produced was reassuringly identical.

Another memory usage optimisation that could be used is to not store patterns that have failed to produce a glider on the last iteration of the full depth search and to not store patterns that are not elbows on the last iteration of the cleanup search. I haven't implemented that one though yet.

The code below also contains better code for detecting eaters that I wrote a couple of days ago. Now it only flags up eaters if they are on the correct lanes, whereas before it would flag them up if they were anywhere in the pattern. I also added a timestamp to the output filename to prevent accidental overwriting of previous results.

Code: Select all

import golly as g
from time import time

LANE1 = -5
LANE2 = 5
MAX_POP = [40, 40, 40, 35, 30, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25]

# GENS roughly represents the number of generations to run after the
# midpoint of the glider pair reaches the left edge of the
# pattern. Needs to be multiple of 4.
GENS = 160 

depths = {}
new_pats = []

f = open('/home/user/life/outfile%d.txt' % time(), 'w')

def to_pairs(cells):
    return zip(cells[::2], cells[1::2])

G_NE = g.parse('3o$2bo$bo!')
G_NW = g.parse('3o$o$bo!')
G_SW = g.transform(g.parse('bo$o$3o!'), 0, -2)
G_SE = g.transform(g.parse('bo$2bo$3o!'), -2, -2)

LWSS_W = g.transform(g.parse('bo2bo$o$o3bo$4o!'), 0, -1)
LWSS_S = g.transform(g.parse('bobo$o$o$o2bo$3o!'), -2, -4)

GLIDERS_SW = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_SW, i)) for i in range(4)]
GLIDERS_SE = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_SE, i)) for i in range(4)]
GLIDERS_NW = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_NW, i)) for i in range(4)]
LWSSES_W = [to_pairs(g.evolve(LWSS_W, i)) for i in range(4)]
LWSSES_S = [to_pairs(g.evolve(LWSS_S, i)) for i in range(4)]

assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_SW))
assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_SE))
assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_NW))
assert(all((0,0) in lwss for lwss in LWSSES_W))
assert(all((0,0) in lwss for lwss in LWSSES_S))

G1 = g.transform(G_NE, LANE1 - 25, 25)
G2 = g.transform(G_NE, LANE2 - 30 - MAX_DIFF / 4, 30 + MAX_DIFF / 4)

T1 = (25 - LANE1) * 4
T2 = (30 + MAX_DIFF / 4 - LANE2) * 4

EATERS = [('3bo$2b2o!', '3ob2o$2o2b2o$6o$6o!', -3, -1),
          ('3b3o$2bo$2b2o!', '3o$2ob3o$2o2b2o$6o$6o!', -2, -2),
          ('4bo$4bo$2bobo$2b2o!', '4o$4o$2obo$2o2bo$5o$5o!', -2, -3),
          ('2$2b2o$2bo!', '4o$4o$2o$2obo$4o$4o!', -2, -2)]

EATERS = [(to_pairs(g.transform(g.parse(on), x, y)),
           to_pairs(g.transform(g.parse(off), x, y)))
          for on, off, x, y in EATERS]
assert(all((0, 0) in on for on, _ in EATERS))

b64 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$#"

def coord_to_string(x, y):
    return b64[x & 63] + b64[y & 63] + b64[((x >> 6) & 7) + ((y >> 3) & 56)]

def canonical(cells):
    return "".join(sorted(coord_to_string(x, y) for x, y in to_pairs(cells)))

def has_eater(cells, lane, check=0):
    pairs = to_pairs(cells)
    for x, y in pairs:
        if 0 <= x + y - lane < 4:
            eater, not_eater = EATERS[x+y-lane]
            if all((x+i, y+j) in pairs for (i, j) in eater):
                if not any((x+i, y+j) in pairs for (i, j) in not_eater):
                    return check or has_eater(g.evolve(cells, 1), lane, 1)
    return False

def is_elbow(cells):
    # insist on 4 on cells
    if len(cells) != 8:
        return False
    # rule out tubs
    if max(cells[::2]) - min(cells[::2]) != 1:
        return False

    # insist on correct lane
    return 0 <= min(x+y for x, y in to_pairs(cells)) <= 1

def test(cells, lane):
    cells2 = g.evolve(cells, 4)
    if len(cells) != len(cells2):
        return 0, [], None

    sumx1, sumy1 = sum(cells[::2]), sum(cells[1::2])
    sumx2, sumy2 = sum(cells2[::2]), sum(cells2[1::2])

    delta = (sumx2 - sumx1, sumy2 - sumy1)

    for _ in range(4):
        cells2 = g.evolve(cells2, 4)
        sumx1, sumy1 = sumx2, sumy2
        sumx2, sumy2 = sum(cells2[::2]), sum(cells2[1::2])
        new_delta = (sumx2 - sumx1, sumy2 - sumy1)
        if new_delta != delta:
            return 0, [], None

# a,b,c,d,e are used to convert x, y values into a lane number and output type

    if delta == (0, 0):
        spaceships = []
#    elif delta == (-5, 5):
#        spaceships = GLIDERS_SW
#        a, b, c, d, e = 1, 1, -1, 0, 0
    elif delta == (5, 5):
        spaceships = GLIDERS_SE
        a, b, c, d, e = 1, -1, -2, 0, 1
    elif delta == (-5, -5):
        spaceships = GLIDERS_NW
        a, b, c, d, e = 1, -1, -1, 0, 2
#    elif delta == (-18, 0) or delta == (-24, 0):
#        spaceships = LWSSES_W
#        a, b, c, d, e = 0, 2, 0, 1, 3
#    elif delta == (0, 18) or delta == (0, 24):
#        spaceships = LWSSES_S
#        a, b, c, d, e = 2, 0, 0, 1, 4
        return 0, [], None

    pairs = to_pairs(cells)
    new_lane = None
    if spaceships and lane is None:
        found = False
        for x0, y0 in pairs:
            for ss in spaceships:
                if all((x0+i, y0+j) in pairs for (i, j) in ss):
                    for i, j in ss:
                        pairs.remove((x0+i, y0+j))
                    found = True
                    new_lane = a * x0 + b * y0 + c + d * (x0+y0)%2, e
            if found:

        if not found:
            return 0, [], None

        cells = []
        for x, y in pairs:

    sort = sorted(pairs)
    for p in range(2):
        cells = g.evolve(cells, 1)
        if sorted(to_pairs(cells)) == sort:
            return p + 1, cells, new_lane
    return 0, [], None

offset = 0

def show_it(recipe, lane, move=None):

    global offset

    res = ""
    if lane[1] == 1:
        res = "NE"
    elif lane[1] == 2:
        res = "SW"
    elif lane[1] == 3:
        res = "LWSS_W"
    elif lane[1] == 4:
        res = "LWSS_S"

    if move is None:
        res += "k"
        res += "m%dhd" % move

    res += "g%d:" % lane[0]

    g.putcells(g.parse('2o$2o!'), offset, 0)

    for i, t in enumerate(recipe[::2]):
        if t is not None:
            g.putcells(g.evolve(G1, t), offset-80*i, 80*i)

    for i, t in enumerate(recipe[1::2]):
        if t is not None:
            g.putcells(g.evolve(G2, t), offset-80*i, 80*i)

    for i in range(0, len(recipe), 2):
        if recipe[i] is None:
            res += "eo"[recipe[i+1]%2] + "-9999 "
        elif recipe[i+1] is None:
            res += "eo"[recipe[i]%2] + "9999 "
            res += "eo"[recipe[i]%2] + str(recipe[i]-recipe[i+1]+MAX_DIFF) + " "
    f.write(res + "\n")

    offset += 100

def store(cells, lane, recipe, period, depth, next_pats):

    old_depth = -1

    canon = canonical(cells) + "%" + str(lane)
    if canon in depths:
        old_depth = depths[canon]
    elif period == 2:
        canon1 = canonical(g.evolve(cells, 1)) + "%" + str(lane)
        if canon1 in depths:
            old_depth = depths[canon1]

    if old_depth < depth:
        depths[canon] = depth
        if depth > 0:
            next_pats.append((cells, lane, recipe, period, depth))
        return True
        return False

def get_patterns(cells, period):

    if not cells:

    minx = min(cells[::2])
    g1 = g.transform(G1, minx, -minx)
    g2 = g.transform(G2, minx, -minx)

    # Singletons
    for t in range(period):
        yield cells + g.evolve(g1, t), t, None, GENS + T1
        yield cells + g.evolve(g2, t), None, t, GENS + T2

    # Pairs
    g2_orig = g2
    for t1 in range(period):
        for t2 in range(2 * MAX_DIFF + 1):
            yield cells + g1 + g2, t1, t2, GENS + (T1 + T2 - t2) // 8 * 4
            g2 = g.evolve(g2, 1)
        g1 = g.evolve(g1, 1)
        g2 = g2_orig'')
store(g.parse('2o$2o!'), None, (), 1, FULL_DEPTH, new_pats)
start = True

got = set()
half_got = set()
moves = set()
iteration = 0

while new_pats:
    iteration += 1
    next_pats = []
    n = 0
    for cells, lane, recipe, period, depth in new_pats:  , n, len(new_pats), len(half_got), len(got), len(moves))))
        n += 1

#        if lane in got:
#            continue

        # only fire stuff at an elbow at the very beginning
        if not start and is_elbow(cells):
        start = False

        for start_cells, t1, t2, gens in get_patterns(cells, period):
            end_cells = g.evolve(start_cells, gens)

            if len(end_cells) > 2 * (MAX_POP[iteration-1] + 5):

            new_period, end_cells, new_lane = test(end_cells, lane)
            if new_period == 0:

            if len(end_cells) > 2 * MAX_POP[iteration-1]:
            new_depth = depth - 1
            new_recipe = recipe + (t1, t2)

            if new_lane is not None:
                new_depth += CLEANUP_DEPTH
                new_lane = lane

            if store(end_cells, new_lane, new_recipe, new_period, new_depth, next_pats):
                if new_lane is not None and not end_cells:
#                    show_it(new_recipe, new_lane)
                if new_lane is not None and is_elbow(end_cells):
                    move = min(end_cells[::2]) - min(end_cells[1::2])
                    show_it(new_recipe, new_lane, move)
                    moves.add(new_lane + (move,))

#                if new_lane is None and (has_eater(end_cells, LANE1) 
#                                         or has_eater(end_cells, LANE2)):
#                    show_it(new_recipe, (0,0))
    new_pats = next_pats


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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 25th, 2014, 11:59 pm

chris_c wrote:If a 180 degree glider hits a pre-manufactured turner then the turner that it hits first will always be the last one that was constructed. I think that restricts the SE gliders that can be produced in this way to something like the top 20 or 30fd of the old A circuit.
True enough. There are ways to avoid the problem, but probably not good ways. For example, we could dig up a seed that builds an offset boat plus a zero-degree glider.

As I have time I'm working on an exhaustive enumeration script for small constellations -- should be able to find stuff like this eventually. The real use of this search script will be to finally put together a big sorted collection of small one-time turners and glider splitters, so as to be able to build efficient freeze-dried salvos and seeds for large synchronized constructions.
chris_c wrote:If the trigger glider is needed further back along the pattern or if more than a small handful of gliders are needed in the destruction then I think the LWSS reflecting method is the way to go.
Well, I'll start out by rebuilding the 438-scoring Demonoid so that the input glider is in a good place. It's trivial to do this at an extra cost of 20 cells or so, which will be good enough until someone gets around to rebuilding the whole thing.

Also, it seems I neglected to leave the B-blocker destruction lane clear in the 438-score version -- had to convert a couple of boats to eaters to open up that lane again. Will have to be very careful to include that path in the forbidden zone for future attempts. Haven't figured out what to do about the old A-blocker, either -- that can be shot down easily with a 180-elbow reaction or two, can't it?

Code: Select all

#C 457-cell 1G-destructible Demonoid
#C (not counting the A-blocker)
x = 207, y = 187, rule = LifeHistory

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 26th, 2014, 7:49 am

me wrote:If a 180 degree glider hits a pre-manufactured turner then the turner that it hits first will always be the last one that was constructed. I think that restricts the SE gliders that can be produced in this way to something like the top 20 or 30fd of the old A circuit.
The first sentence I wrote is still true but I have an idea that will hopefully make the second sentence false.

If we can find a clean seed that turns a singleton glider on the A-lane into a reverse glider on lane 11 then we can make the following four block still-life further back in the pattern:

Code: Select all

x = 177, y = 178, rule = LifeHistory
At the start of the next iteration the four block pattern can be struck with three further gliders on lanes 7, 8 and 8 to make a clean SE glider like so:

Code: Select all

x = 70, y = 81, rule = LifeHistory
It will be easy to catch those three gliders with an eater 2 when thinking about making the gun but other unsolved technical problems are:

1. We need to find a suitable seed for the reverse lane 11.
2. The four block still life would have to be the last thing constructed by the current UC so we would need to find a recipe for the A blocker that allows reconstruction of an elbow in front of it.

So the restriction of the glider being aimed only at the top portion of the circuit can probably be lifted but only with quite a bit more work.
dvgrn wrote:Haven't figured out what to do about the old A-blocker, either -- that can be shot down easily with a 180-elbow reaction or two, can't it?
No, me neither. I had a brief go at firing some reverse gliders at the extraneous block that is produced nearby in the hope of destroying the eater too. Unfortunately nothing obvious turned up but something must be out there. Incidentally, this plan would mean destroying the eater 110fd further to the NE than in the diagram you posted.

EDIT: I hacked my search program to look for single glider salvo recipes. The following recipe seems to be the cheapest available for the destruction of the A-blocker:

Code: Select all

x = 84, y = 81, rule = LifeHistory
Now why didn't I think of an (8,4) block pull followed by a pi explosion when I was working on this by hand ;)

EDIT2: Ooops... I had the maximum size of intermediate targets set to 30 cells. That's really dumb because it even prevents the block being turned into a honeyfarm. With this idiotic restriction lifted a 4 glider solution turned up:

Code: Select all

x = 82, y = 90, rule = B3/S23

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 26th, 2014, 3:21 pm

chris_c wrote:If we can find a clean seed that turns a singleton glider on the A-lane into a reverse glider on lane 11 then we can make the following four block still-life further back in the pattern... At the start of the next iteration the four block pattern can be struck with three further gliders on lanes 7, 8 and 8 to make a clean SE glider...
So the three gliders come from 180-degree reactions at the elbow, at the beginning of a new construction cycle. Seems as if that should work.
chris_c wrote:So the restriction of the glider being aimed only at the top portion of the circuit can probably be lifted but only with quite a bit more work.
Yes, it seems like a simpler solution in the end to rebuild the self-destruct circuits again from the ground up, and just make sure that the UC can generate its own initial SEward trigger glider in the north corner. It's quite a bit of work, but if it's done carefully enough the total construction cost can almost certainly be reduced a good bit more. The current 1G version is 81 still lifes including the self-destruct circuitry; it can certainly be reduced to 75sL or below.

I'd like to get the bug in the Seeds of Destruction Game fixed, so that it's possible to paste new puzzles in and get the completed patterns copied back out again. The latest SODGame alpha [download link] allows new puzzles to be pasted in, but you have to copy out your object placements by hand by counting cells (!)

Paul Chapman sent me the source code for Seeds of Destruction [download link] some time ago, but I haven't found the time to even get it to compile in NetBeans yet, let alone track down the problem with the "Golly"/"Life" copy button (for new pasted puzzles only). A compiled SODGame version 04 should be able to dodge the bug by getting rid of the old out-of-date Demonoid puzzles and substituting in something like the following:

Code: Select all

x = 183, y = 184, rule = LifeHistory
It's possible to copy out solutions from pre-installed puzzles with no problem, just not with new pasted-in puzzles for some reason. Probably a trivial bug, of course -- I'm hoping someone with more Java experience can locate it...!

As before, the above pattern assumes that the A-blocker gets cleaned up some other way -- I'm thinking if we use the eater-and-block version, it should be possible to (1,2)-pull the block to put it opposite the eater, then use a slow salvo to turn it into a clean 90-degree glider. If I'm not mistaken, any monochromatic slow salvo can be caught with an oblique line of tub-with-tail eaters, so that would be another way to avoid worrying about absorbing destruct signals in a Demonoid gun. (Then again, any slow salvo can be caught by an oblique line of highway robbers, so technically there's nothing to worry about anyway.)

In the puzzle pattern, the six eaters that catch gliders have a couple degrees of freedom, of course -- diagonal distance, up to a point, and orientation -- if you want to worry about that extra complexity. It may make sense to put the movable eater near the south corner back in the same place in Circuit B as it is in Circuit A, so that the exact same self-destruct circuits can be re-used. For the last pattern I saved one boat turner by putting that eater closer to the others, but it might need to move again.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 28th, 2014, 9:27 pm

I made a destruction pattern that uses 22 objects: 2 x (6 gliders, 2 hives, 2 blinkers, 1 block), total population 384.

Code: Select all

x = 397, y = 397, rule = LifeHistory
It was found with the aid of the script below. The idea was to place a number of seeds in areas that do not conflict with the normal running of the circuits. To speed up the search, when a particular seed location (or locations) results in a reaction that does not interact with the combined envelope of all the seeds in another zone, all of the seed locations in the other zone can be skipped. It remembers this in a bitarray, but if that module is unavailable then it is trivial to just use a plain python array instead. A gencols-style enumeration of all collisions on a generation-by-generation basis would be way more efficient but this cheapo idea will have to do for the moment.

Code: Select all

import golly as g
from bitarray import bitarray
from itertools import product

BLOCK = g.parse('.4B$6B$2B2A2B$2B2A2B$6B$.4B!')
HIVE1 = g.parse('2.4B$8B$3B2A3B$2BA2BA2B$3B2A3B$8B$2.4B!')
HIVE2 = g.parse('.5B$.5B$3BA3B$2BABA2B$2BABA2B$3BA3B$.5B$.5B!')
BLINKER1 = g.parse('2.3B$.5B$7B$2B3A2B$7B$.5B$2.3B!')
BLINKER2 = g.parse('2.3B$.5B$3BA3B$3BA3B$3BA3B$.5B$2.3B!')


BASEPAT = g.parse('4.9B$4.9B$4.9B$4.10B$3.12B$2.13B8.2A$3.11B9.A$4.12B4.BA.A$4.15B.B2A$4.17B$4.17B20.A$.B.17B11.2A6.3A$2A19B9.B2AB4.A$2AB.19B8.3B4.2A$.B4.20B2.2B2.B2.5B$6.32B$6.9B.21B2A$7.7B2.16B2A3B2A$7.7B2.16B2A2B.B$7.6B4.19B$7.7B10.10B$7.6B12.9B$6.7B13.9B8.A7.A$7.6B14.7B7.3A5.3A11.A$8.5B15.6B6.A7.A14.3A$8.6B13.6B7.2A6.2A16.A14.A$10.4B12.8B4.4B4.4B15.2A12.3A$9.B2A2B13.8B2.3B5.3B5.B.7B3.3B.2B7.A$10.2A15.13B4.4B.13B5.5B6.2A$27.46B2.5B$27.51B$27.50B2A$26.32B2A17B2A$24.34B2A16B.B$24.22B2.2B3.23B$23.20B11.10B2.9B$23.21B13.6B3.8B$23.17B.4B14.3B4.7B$22.19B.4B15.B3.11B$20.21B2.4B14.2A2.12B$20.21B3.4B14.A2.12B$19.20B6.4B10.3A4.11B$20.20B6.4B9.A4.4B.8B$21.19B7.4B13.2A4.7B$21.18B9.4B13.A4.7B$22.17B10.4B9.3A6.6B$22.16B12.4B8.A8.7B$23.14B14.4B16.8B$24.13B15.4B16.8B$27.11B15.4B15.9B$28.9B17.4B13.6B.4B!')

G_SE = g.parse('.A$2.A$3A!')

def make_seed_list(seeds, zone, basepat):
    positioned_seeds = [[]]
    baseset = set()
    for i in range(0, len(basepat)-2, 3):
        baseset.add((basepat[i], basepat[i+1]))

    for seed in seeds:
        for i in range(0, len(seed)-2, 3):
            if seed[i+2] == 1:
                x0, y0 = seed[i], seed[i+1]
        for x, y in zone:
            valid = True
            dx, dy = x - x0, y - y0
            for i in range(0, len(seed)-2, 3):
                coord = (seed[i] + dx, seed[i+1] + dy)
                if seed[i+2] == 1 and coord not in zone or coord in baseset:
                    valid = False
            if valid:
                positioned_seeds.append(g.transform(seed, dx, dy))

    envelope = set()
    for seed in positioned_seeds:
        for i in range(0, len(seed)-2, 3):
            envelope.add((seed[i], seed[i+1]))

    return positioned_seeds, envelope
def rect_zone(r1, r2):
    return set(product(r1,r2))

def to_triples(cells):
    return zip(cells[::3], cells[1::3], cells[2::3])

offset = 0
best = 999999

def go(basepat, seedlists, envelopes, message):

    global best

    lengths = [len(seedlist) for seedlist in seedlists]

    size = 1
    strides = []
    for l in lengths[::-1]:
        strides.append([j * size for j in range(l)])
        size *= l

    done = bitarray(size)

    #if not using bitarray
    #done = [0] * size

    for i, seeds in enumerate(product(*seedlists)):
        if i & 255 == 0:
   + " " + str((i, size)))

        if done[i]:

        start = basepat[:]
        for seed in seeds:
            start = g.join(start, seed)
        end_cells = g.evolve(start, 1024)

        end_pairs = zip(end_cells[::3], end_cells[1::3])
        untouched = []
        for seed, envelope, stride in zip(seeds, envelopes, strides):
            if not seed and not any((x, y) in envelope for x, y in end_pairs):
        for does_this_work in product(*untouched):
            done[i + sum(does_this_work)] = 1

        end_cells2 = g.evolve(end_cells, 2)

        if len(end_cells) == len(end_cells2) and sorted(to_triples(end_cells)) == sorted(to_triples(end_cells2)):
            pop = sum(state == 1 for _, _, state in to_triples(end_cells))
            if pop < best:
                best = pop
                g.putcells(end_cells, 200, 0)
      "pop " + str(pop) + " press key")
                while g.getkey() == '':

def add_zone(seedlists, envelopes, types, zone, basepat):
    pos_seeds, envelope = make_seed_list(types, zone, basepat)

zone1 = rect_zone(range(53, 62), range(20, 25))
zone2 = rect_zone(range(67, 80), range(22, 27))

seedlists, envelopes = [], []

add_zone(seedlists, envelopes, ALL_TYPES, zone1, BASEPAT)
add_zone(seedlists, envelopes, ALL_TYPES, zone2, BASEPAT)

for i, env in enumerate(envelopes):'')
    for x, y in env:
        g.putcells([0,0,4], x, y)
    g.update()"Envelope %d" % i)
    while g.getkey() == '':

for i in range(21,37):
    go(g.join(BASEPAT, g.transform(G_SE, i, 0)), seedlists, envelopes, i)

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 28th, 2014, 9:46 pm

chris_c wrote:I made a destruction pattern that uses 22 objects: 2 x (6 gliders, 2 hives, 2 blinkers, 1 block), total population 384.
Wow! Okay, I think that's plenty good enough... even though it pollutes my nice stable circuitry with p2 blinkers. I've had a crackpot theory for quite a while that blinkers would be particularly efficient Seeds of Destruction, but hadn't got around to testing the theory.

So for the next optimization challenge, as I have time I'll go ahead and work on a first-draft construction recipe for the two versions of this circuit, and also for a freeze-dried salvo for the six Destructo-Gliders. (That's just to have an alternative to compare the cool LWSS-Turned-Destructo-Gliders against.)

After a few more rounds of improvement, we can fire up the gp-compiler, and then we might be almost ready for the final countdown...!

EDIT: I'm still somewhat partial to destruction methods that don't require any construction northwest of the construction lanes -- especially not far northwest, since that requires either maintaining a target block on that side (which is expensive to push sideways far enough to reach the next U.C.) or splitting a new target off from the elbow each time. I like the second idea better somehow, but it seems as if it will be more expensive than the sideways push, if anything.

Even for moderate distances from the construction lanes, like the distances needed to build the LWSS Destructo-Turners, it's expensive to push that initial target into place -- unless something ridiculously clever can be found, like a way to build a backward *WSS seed that can be triggered with a single glider on one lane, while the other lane has been prepared with a boat turner or other OTT, so a glider there can be timed to produce a target from an eastbound *WSS plus NWbound glider collision. Would have to split the elbow first, I suppose, or else use a dirty OTT where an elbow can be recovered from the ash.

Here's a probably not very applicable idea that I found this morning in an old posting by knightlife:

Code: Select all

x = 203, y = 157, rule = LifeHistory
Clearly it's possible to convert the 8-glider cleanup into a 1-glider cleanup at some moderate cost in self-destruct circuitry -- though those blinkers add an extra parity wrinkle to go with the usual glider-reflection color problems. I might have a look at doing that conversion, but probably not until this weekend or next week.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 29th, 2014, 11:47 am

I agree with everything you say in that last post. My destruction pattern is nice in terms of population but it definitely has issues:

1. The p2 blinkers are a blight on the rest of stable circuitry.
2. The LWSS turning method has the hidden cost of pushing the "hand" block over seemingly large distances.

I already spent a long time trying to make a destruction circuit with 10-objects instead of 11 and avoiding the use of blinkers. But in the end I got fed up and just posted the pattern as is. The search space for these destruction circuits is just ridiculously large.

Having said all that I have a couple of ideas.

First of all, in the LWSS example pattern I posted a while back the LWSS turners were all set out in straight lines. With 31 turners needed my main worry was to get everything to fit together while avoiding collisions, but with only 12 turners required it is probably possible to string the LWSS turners out in a diagonal line so that the first turner of one iteration is near to the last turner of the previous generation. That way the expense of passing the hand block over from one iteration to the next will be a lot smaller. I'm sure you can judge the expense of this idea far better than I can. Is it still unattractive for you?

The second idea is one that allows us to produce SE gliders without having to stray too far from the construction lanes. I have had the idea for a few days but after just doing a quick gencols 2-liner I was surprised how easy it was to come up with an example pattern:

Code: Select all

x = 183, y = 205, rule = LifeHistory
The boats in different generations do not interfere with each other so they can happily be built in advance. The two-block lane shifters can only exist once throughout the entire pattern but it should be possible to fit 4 or 5 of them in the space between the old A circuit and the current B circuit. We can get SE gliders of both colors with this method but only in a monotonic sequence from NE to SW.

I'm pretty exhausted with this destruction game already so I do not plan to investigate the feasibility of the last idea any further. In the pattern above the trigger gliders are already on lanes 33 and 34 (the maximum lanes available as far as current searches go) so if this does work then it will be quite a squeeze.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » October 29th, 2014, 3:43 pm

chris_c wrote:I already spent a long time trying to make a destruction circuit with 10-objects instead of 11 and avoiding the use of blinkers. But in the end I got fed up and just posted the pattern as is. The search space for these destruction circuits is just ridiculously large.
Optimization exhaustion seems to be the inevitable endpoint for this particular corner of Life research. I think all of my various candidate self-destruct circuits show definite signs of impatience, not to say annoyance, in the seeds that were placed last.
chris_c wrote:...with only 12 turners required it is probably possible to string the LWSS turners out in a diagonal line so that the first turner of one iteration is near to the last turner of the previous generation. That way the expense of passing the hand block over from one iteration to the next will be a lot smaller. I'm sure you can judge the expense of this idea far better than I can. Is it still unattractive for you?
Well... it's not unattractive at all -- I love the idea of using LWSSes in this kind of construction: suddenly the 10hd elbow can fire in five different directions (where originally I thought a 2-directional ambidextrous arm was pretty cool) and the other three directions are probably just a few searches away.

On the other hand, there's something nice and elegant about a single constellation, on one side of the construction arm, that contains all the working U.C. circuitry and all the self-destruct circuitry. The whole construction gets done in one recipe, and the last glider fired by the U.C. triggers a reaction that destroys it. Seems as if that might be worth an extra few still lifes.

-- Now that you've reduced the clutter so much, we might be able to send the trigger glider right through the circuitry to start out:

Code: Select all

x = 183, y = 209, rule = LifeHistory
Not saying this is the best method, but it shows that even one of the more difficult lanes from your new seeded destruction recipes is still accessible from several directions. My last pattern showed a couple of ways to extract gliders from sparks from the destruction recipes, with just one more block per glider.

-- It seems as if I'm subconsciously wanting to calculate the total cost of a solution by including everything that has to be constructed to produce it. For the LWSS case, that would include the population of however-many LWSS Destructo-Turners. Since those are just as (or a little more) expensive to construct in the NW as regular seed objects are in the SW, it's puzzling to me now why I thought that a simple glider-plus-still-life population score was a good metric... if I recall, it was because I originally thought those gliders would be _really_ expensive, but maybe I brought the cost down too far!

Anyway, it's probably important to settle on a good-enough final design before too much longer, or exhaustion will really set in. Maybe a few days away would be the best idea at the moment... if you'll stop making such impressive advances in the field for a while, then I can stop trying to keep up.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » October 29th, 2014, 7:53 pm

dvgrn wrote:My last pattern showed a couple of ways to extract gliders from sparks from the destruction recipes, with just one more block per glider.
Oh yeah, so you did. I noticed those gliders appearing but what I didn't appreciate was the simplicity with which they were created. This suggests there is quite a bit of hope in finding an efficient destruction method from just a single glider.

On the other hand I think it will be worth putting together a slow salvo recipe that constructs the 12 LWSS turners in my pop 384 pattern just to see how costly that works out to be.

But I won't be doing any of this for the next few days :)

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by dvgrn » November 3rd, 2014, 3:18 pm

dvgrn wrote:
dvgrn wrote:... that will require a self-destruct circuit triggered by a single glider from the northwest. I'll do a little more work on that this weekend, and see if I can get a good competition going...!
Here's a 1G seeded destruction for a variant of the current Demonoid U.C., with a score (population) of 438...
Only had time for a quick experiment with the new search script today. I've successfully "reduced" the self-destruct problem to from score 438, 1 glider, to score 437 4G with no period-2 pollution:

Code: Select all

#C almost-working 4G score 437 Demonoid cleanup
x = 263, y = 181, rule = LifeHistory
Sadly, it turns out that one of the boat turners (marked in yellow) doesn't quite fit. That's okay -- I didn't really like the glider handling in that area anyway. I'm sure there's a more efficient way to clean up the northwest corners of Circuits A and B... maybe finding a seeding with a glider coming from the opposite direction? ... and then connect up the pieces a little more efficiently. Or just shoot down a few more isolated still lifes in a different way instead of making them into an expensive chain -- lots of options there.

Each LWSS Destructo-Turner is 18 cells (and period 2) so if those do get counted in the score, it doesn't take very many of them to bring the 384-cell solution up higher than some of the 430+ options.

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Re: Demonoid (diagonal Geminoid) working notes

Post by chris_c » November 3rd, 2014, 9:58 pm

dvgrn wrote: Only had time for a quick experiment with the new search script today. I've successfully "reduced" the self-destruct problem to from score 438, 1 glider, to score 437 4G with no period-2 pollution.
Looks promising. I particularly like the first eater + block -> reflected glider reaction.
dvgrn wrote:Sadly, it turns out that one of the boat turners (marked in yellow) doesn't quite fit. That's okay -- I didn't really like the glider handling in that area anyway.
Yeah, when I last worked on this project that was the area that made me give up in frustration. See my half finished pattern below.
dvgrn wrote:I'm sure there's a more efficient way to clean up the northwest corners of Circuits A and B... maybe finding a seeding with a glider coming from the opposite direction?
One method is shown below but it involves more P2 pollution unfortunately. So far the pattern is nice and efficient but I couldn't find a satisfying way to finish the south-east and gave up.

Code: Select all

x = 409, y = 416, rule = LifeHistory
dvgrn wrote:Each LWSS Destructo-Turner is 18 cells (and period 2) so if those do get counted in the score, it doesn't take very many of them to bring the 384-cell solution up higher than some of the 430+ options.
They are only two gliders away from a honey farm so they shouldn't be expensive in their own right. The unknown expense is all of the block moves necessary to make them. I still haven't got round to quantifying the cost more precisely.

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