Talk:Lifeline Volume 5

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Revision as of 21:47, 19 January 2010 by Methodood (talk | contribs) (linefeed effects)
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Proof reading as proposed on the forum

Hi! This is page 7 fresh from OCR and first proofreading.

  • To make checking easy, linefeed are kept in this state.
  • Please tell me if it' useful. Thanks! -- 21:37, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
  • Meaning, linefeeds are kept in the "edit" form ; and some are still needed for rendering.
  • Also, do distributed proofreaders recommand keeping hyphenation or not (it's as we prefer here) --Methodood 21:47, 19 January 2010 (UTC)


There are many geographic concentrations of 'Lifenthusiasts'. For example, in the greater Boston area alone there_are 27 readers. Does the idea of form- ing a local group in your area for participation in Life activities appeal?

No[ ] Maybe it depends [ ] Yes[ ] for_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ activities

This group might center around an installation with good computing capabili- ties. For instance, a university or research center with a graphical display device. Could/would you be able to offer such a facility to a local group?

No[ ] Maybe it depends [ ] Yes [ ] (explain)

In addition to local activities, such a group or even an individual could provide input to LIFELINE on a regular basis by reporting on their own ac- complishments. Whether acting as an associate editor for such a group or by contributing to one does this idea appeal to you?

No [ ] Maybe it depends [ ] Yes[ ] contributing Yes[ ] assoc.editor

Independent of any computer resources at your disposal, would you be inter- ested in contacting others in your area and starting a group if provided with an address list of all readers near you?

No [ ] Maybe [ ] Yes[ ] my phone number is: _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _

As interesting as Life is, there is a real gap in the spectrum of resources available to 'play' or investigate its mysteries. As the return questionnaire from May confirmed, the readership is definitely divided into two separate groups with large differences in exploratory capability. The 'Life-Club' concept would vastly improve this situation. More interestingly, a small keyboard device which can compute and display Life on an ordinary TV set will very probably be made available. If such a device were now available what is the maximum price (within your own reason) that you would be willing to pay?

$20 [ ] $50 [ ] $100 [ ] $200 [ ] $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] 0ther _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In order to just cover printing and mailing costs, the regular annual (4 lssue) subscription rate for LIFELINE will be two dollars for U.S. and Canada readers, one pound for U.K. readers, and three dollars (or the approx. equivalent) for all other foreign readers. If you are interested in participating in LIFELINE's endevours please indicate this by completing and returning LIFESAVER now. Although LIFELINE will continue to be primarily devoted to Life and related subjects, its actual format and specific content will evolve as other readers begin to take more of an active part in writing and editing. with this in mind, are you interested in subscribing as a:

[ ] Regular member (nov enclosing payment)

[ ] Participating member (will contribute to newsletter)

[ ] Other (explain)

With regard to'other', perhaps there are other means of exchange particular to your specific resources.

PLEASE NOTE: LIFELINE Numbers Six and Seven will be published in October and November so that we can be back on schedule with No.8 in December!