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Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 3:12 am
by wildmyron
DMOZ is now closed. There is a static mirror at ... e_of_Life/

Okrasinski's page on Geocities hasn't been available for a long time either - mirror: ... onwaylife/ - is there a more complete mirror somewhere?

Please add zfind to the list of search software.


Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: October 3rd, 2017, 1:29 pm
by gameoflifemaniac
Is there a place where I can find all still lifes with 19 bits and more?

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: October 3rd, 2017, 7:01 pm
by Apple Bottom
gameoflifemaniac wrote:Is there a place where I can find all still lifes with 19 bits and more?

There's other files in that repo, too, though on the whole it's fairly incomplete. You'll probably have to bug Simon Ekström and/or Nathaniel for more complete files.

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: October 4th, 2017, 9:45 am
by gameoflifemaniac
Apple Bottom wrote:
gameoflifemaniac wrote:Is there a place where I can find all still lifes with 19 bits and more?

There's other files in that repo, too, though on the whole it's fairly incomplete. You'll probably have to bug Simon Ekström and/or Nathaniel for more complete files.
Ok. But can I find those still lifes in one RLE somewhere?

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: October 4th, 2017, 11:51 am
by Apple Bottom
gameoflifemaniac wrote:Ok. But can I find those still lifes in one RLE somewhere?
Heinrich Koenig or Mark Niemiec might be able to provide them, but you'll be better off writing your own to-RLE converter.

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: October 4th, 2017, 2:09 pm
by gameoflifemaniac
Ok... But I'm actually doing a folder in Golly called 'Still lifes by bits'. I've completed 4-12 bits without copying and pasting and 16-18 bits w/ pasting from Mark Niemiec's Life Page. Now I'm working on 13-bit still lifes.

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: October 17th, 2019, 5:48 am
by Naszvadi
Now, 2019's International Obfuscated C Code Competition winner entries are released, including an amazing hashlife implementation:

Gratulálunk Gil Dogon!

Must read this before use:

The source code:

Code: Select all

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define G >>
#define O <<
#define S E(4)k=V+(V&2),
#define P(V,I)	U(q+V,t*4+I)
#define E(b) for(int V=0; V<b; V++)
#define R a d; long t,r,c,k; unsigned q[16]
											      long H,A,s,h,
											   L, I, f, e; unsigned
											 F=-1,D,l,i,g= 2; typedef
			 unsigned		 long a,			       *T; typedef unsigned*o; T p,
			 C; o n,		 w; a y=			     -1,j,m; void J(unsigned I, o f){
			R; S f[k		]=C[I]&				    64?p[I+(V&2)]G	V%2*32:p[I]G V
			%2*4+16			*(V&2)&				   F ; } void u(	  int l, int g,
			long I,			long b,				   long M){ R;		    c=4l O g; r
			= Y G 5			O s; t=				  X G 5 O s ;		     if(l<194&s>
			6|I>=H+		       t|I+2 *c				  <=H-t|b>=A		      +r|b+ 2* c
		       <= A-r)		       return;				 o n=w+(b-A		       +r O 4 G s
		       )*D+(I-		       H+t O 4				 G s); if(			g<=s -7){
		       *n =-1;		       return;				 } J(l,q);			if( g--){
		       S u(q[k		       ],g,I+V				 %2*c,b+V			 /2*c,M*8
		      +V ); }		      else{ t				 =0; r=4-			 s; if(r<
		      0){ t=-		      r; r=0;				 } M^=M G			 1; E(8 O
		      r){ for		      (k=0; k				 <8 O r;k			 ++){n[(V
		      G t)*D+		      (k G t)				 ]|=V*k|r			 <2?-(p[l
		      ]G(V G		      r)*8+(k				 G r)&1)|M			&513 O 12
       :99; } } } } a U(o v,a j){ R; r=0; t=j/4; T N=(T)v; if			  (t>0){ S		       J(v[k],q+
       2*k),r=917*r+v[k]; if(j&1)return P(5,-2);d=N[0];} else			  { r=(d=v[		       0]|v[1 ]O
       4)+719*(m=v[4]|v[5]O 4); if(j&1)return d G 18&3855| (m			   &15420 )		      O 14; d|=
       m O 32 ; } for(; c=n[r&=Z-1]; r++)if(d==p[c]&(!t|p[c+2			   ]==N[2]))		     break; int
       L=t--+1; if(L>h)L=h; if(C[c]&63^L|!c){ if(!c){ p[n[r]=			    c=g]=d; p		     [g+=2]=N[
       2]; g+=t>=0; } if(t<0){ E(2-!h){ r=0; E(4){ a B=d G V&			    y; B+=d*2		    G V&y; B+=
		    d/2 G V		    &y; B+=				     (B O 8)+(		   B G 8 ); r
		    |=(((B+		    y&y*6^3				      *y)+y G 3		  )&(d G V|B
		    )&y)O V		    ; } d=r				      ; } d=(d G	 18&F )O 32;
		   } else{		   E(11)if				       (V+1&3)q[V	]=P(V,0); S
		   q[k]=P(		   k,(t>h-					2)); d=64|     P(0,2)O 32;
		   } C[c]=		   L| d; }					 return j&2   ?c:C[c]G 32
		   ; } int		   main(){					  n=calloc(Z,8); F/= 17;
		  w=n+Z+F		  / 256 ;					   char*b=(char*) w-99;
		  o z=w+F		  /32 ,Q;					    p=(T)(99999+z); C=
		  p+1; R;		  y/= 15;					     E(64){ { S q[k]=
		  l; } t=		  V; l=P(			0,2); g+=!V; } Display*_=XOpenDisplay(0); while(gets(b)) {
		 if(I ++		 &&b[0]^			35){ if(sscanf(b,"%d%d%d%d%d",&t,q,q+1,q+2,q+3)==5){ t-=3;
		 S q[k]=		 q[V]?w[			q[V]]:t*3-1; } else{ t=p[0]=j=k=r=0; while(f=b[r++]){ if(f
		 ==42)p[		 0]|= 1l			O j*8+k; k++; if(f==36)j++,k=0; } J(0,q); } l=w[++D]=P(0,2
       ); } } *z=l; z[1]=t; Window f = XCreateSimpleWindow(_,		RootWindow(_,0),0,0,X,Y,1,0,0); Q=z+=2; D=X+128; XImage*j=
       XCreateImage(_, DefaultVisual(_,0),24,2,0,(char*)w,X,Y					,32,D*4);
       XEvent m; XSelectInput( _, f, 1 ); XMapWindow(_, f); d					: printf(
       "G:%ld M:%d L%d S%d\n",e,g,t,s); K:L-=L>2; u(l,t,-4l O					t,-4l O t
       ,0); XPutImage(_,f,DefaultGC(_,0),j,0,0,0,0,X,Y); E(Y*					(X+128))w
       [V]=0; if(XCheckWindowEvent(_,f,1,&m)){I=XLookupKeysym					(&m.xkey,
	       0) &63;		       if((I-1							&15)<4)*(
	       I&1?&H:		       &A)+=(I							-1&2)-1 O
	       s +2; i		       ^=I==8;							h+=(I==29
	       )-(h&&I		       ==27);							s+=(I==45
	      )-(s&&I		      == 61);							L^=I==32|
	      2*(I ==		      48) ; }							if(L&1 ){
	      if(!i){		      e+=1l O							h; d=t+2;
	      do{E(16		      )q[V]=3							*t-1; t++
	      ; r=t<d		      |t<h; J							(l, q+5);
	     S q[k]=		     P(2*k,-							2); l=P(0
	     ,2 *r);		     } while							(r);while
	     (--t-1)		     { J(l,q							+10); S J
	    (q[10+k		    ],q+2*k							);E(16)if
	    ((V^V/2		    )&5^5&&							q[V]-3*t+
	    4){ *++		    z=l;*++							z=t;*++z=
	    e; goto		    d; } l=							P(5 ,-2);
	    } }else		    { if(z>							Q){ z-=3;
												e=*z; t=z
												[-1]; l=z
												[- 2] ; }
												goto d; }
												}goto K;}

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 6:03 am
by Naszvadi
When hobbies are met - retrocomputing vs CGoL: ... ay19372020

Warning! Huge 4MB .gif "video" inside!

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 8:33 am
by ColorfulGalaxy
Add this to "Downloadable Simulation Software".

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: September 29th, 2020, 6:06 pm
by Naszvadi
GNU Linear Programming Kit has nasty benchmark MILP models, namely a CGoL Garden of Eden verifier mentioned here:

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: September 23rd, 2021, 10:42 am
by Tropylium
I suppose this is a sufficient initial place for the announcement. After some years of dwelling on the idea, I've started a blog for sketching down thoughts on the classification of cellular automata:

No specifically CGoL content so far, or even particularly planned yet; and once I get to posting some other more substantial results I have around, I might mirror these on the forums too.

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 2:23 pm
by IgnacyJ
How is Catagolue not on the list???

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: November 11th, 2021, 11:33 am
by Ian07
IgnacyJ wrote:
November 10th, 2021, 2:23 pm
How is Catagolue not on the list???
Evidently it's been a while since Nathaniel last updated his original post. The most up-to-date version of the list can be found on the wiki at LifeWiki:Life links, where Catagolue is indeed listed.

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 8:42 am
by otismo
George Maydwell wrote:
May 6th, 2011, 8:22 pm
Do GOL patterns pass muster as works of art?

Announcing a "new" browser-based (Java and Javascript) downloadable pattern collection.

Instructions: download (about 250K), unzip, open cgolvepc.html in your browser, enjoy.

Features: integrated hyperlinks, automated slide show, color, easy to use.

Disclaimer: the "Alien Guns" exhibit is not GOL.
Please !

Anyone have this file :

? ? ? ? ?

Thank You !

Re: Game of Life Links

Posted: April 7th, 2023, 2:38 pm
by AlbertArmStain
I don't believe I see Matthias Merzenich's jslife-moving collection. Which is similar to the original Jason's Life Page.